Information for Prospective Students

No matter whether you're a current high school student or returning adult, IPFW offers its students big campus resources with small college extras.

– Announcements –

  • Late registration and drop/add for spring 2009, Jan. 12-16
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, Jan. 19
The 'Don: IPFW's Mascot
Ask the Don!
Ask complete questions like: “How do I apply for admission?”

Prospective Students

No Previous College Work
Current high school students; recent high school graduates; dual-enrollment high school students; home-schooled students; adult learners.
Previous College Work
Transferring students; reentering students; visiting students.
Graduate Students
Choose a program; request information; apply for admission; pay for graduate school; visit campus.
International Students
Events; workshops; immigration information; contact information.

Related Links

Office of Admissions
Admission requirements; application information; transfer credits; contact information.
Office of Graduate Studies
Graduate admissions information; resources; policies and regulations; contact information.
International Student Services
Events; advising; student organizations; contact information.
Services A-Z
Index of Web sites.
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  • Schedule of Classes
    Schedule of Classes
  • Athletics at IPFW
  • Continuing Accreditation Process
    Continuing Accreditation
  • Virtual Tour
    Virtual Tour
  • The Remnant Trust at IPFW
    Remnant Trust
  • Helmke Library
    Helmke Library
  • JobZone
  • Omnibus Lecture Series
  • Mastodons on Parade
    Mastodons on Parade
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