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     I have been blocked numerous times when I tried to post comments on this websites "Seat at the Table", where I tried to present quotes from Federal Court Judges and additional evidence that proves Metlife disability and many insurance companies and the doctor's they pay intentionally ignore life threatening medical conditions in HMO cases, Workers' Comp cases, and disability cases. 
     The Judges quotes and articles absolutely prove organized insurance company crime, and U.S. Magistrate Judge Bryant has written that I have more than sufficiently alleged fraud against Metlife. (See evidence 7 paragraphs below)

     Before showing the evidence of Judges quotes that was blocked I would like to add that It is also disturbing that in order to get your comments in the actual hard copy of the "Citizens Briefing Book" that will be presented to President Obama you have to place high in the voting. I am presenting evidence of insurance company crimes that destroy the lives of tens of thousands sick, injured, and disabled citizens every year, but if I don't receive enough votes President Obama will never see them.
     Large groups and special interests can organize large numbers of people to vote for their topics. People can also vote down, which will allow special interests to vote down anything they don't like, such as Judges quotes that prove insurance companies and their doctor's intentionally ignore medical conditions and endanger so many lives and even cause the deaths of some patients and injured workers. 
     In addition to this there are many Americans who do not even know about this web site or have access to the internet. The "Briefing Book" is a wonderful example of Democracy, but I strongly believe that President Obama should be presented all of the topics posted; if he is not then this internet vote process blocks due process and equal access to anyone who does not get enough internet votes.
     Right now there are around 2,000 topics posted, and if President Obama is really interested he could quickly scan all the topics to see what really needs to be addressed. The topic I posted on the Citizen's Briefing Book does show Judges quites that prove there are large numbers of crime victims, and after being blocked from "The Seat At The Table" it seems so unreal that my evidence will never be seen by the President if I don't get enough up votes or get too many down votes from the insurance companies or big businesses like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, who has filed motions in support of Metlife even though they are well aware of  the lives Metlife and many insurance companies are destroying. 
     The U.S. Chamber of Commerce was allowed to post two complete lengthy ltopics on "The Seat at The Table". One citizen was allowed to post a lenghty letter as a topic on "The Seat at the Table" regarding transgender equality, but they will not post my evidence as a topic. They won't even allow me to post the brief outline seen below.
     This is all even more difficult to accept considering I have had cancer burned out of the inside of my eye and this typing causes me great pain and rapid image quakes and so many more problems, AND NO GOVERNMENT AGENCY WILL DO ANYTHING TO STOP THE WIDESPREAD CRIMES AGAINST THE SICK, INJURED AND DISABLED!!!!

Here are details regarding the evidence being blocked :

     Obama's "Seat at the Table" allows long documents from groups and some individuals, but limits comments from citizens. If the comments have more than a few sentences the site suggests splitting comments into multiple posts. After making one post my additional evidence has been placed in moderation numerous times and never appears.

      I posted Part Two first so it will show in the correct order on the webite. After posting that I was blocked from posting Part One even when I logged out and tried to post it as John Doe.

     Here is Part One that was blocked, followed by Part two :

     Part One - I have compiled quotes from Federal Court Judges and additional evidence that proves insurance companies and the doctor's they pay to evaluate claims are intentionally ignoring life threatening medical conditions in HMO claims, Workers Comp claims, and disability claims. Judges and doctor’s quotes prove insurance companies intentionally ignored :


·         lesions and plaque on the brain of MS patient Jacquelyn Addis

·         A foot that patient Joanne Vick broke in 5 places.

·          Ms. Joyce Ching’s request to see a colon specialist. Ms. Ching died from colon cancer

·          In the case of injured worker Dean Weidner the insuarnce company refused treatment for his broken back

·         In the case of Brenda Zanny U.S. District judge Richard Enslen even wrote :


“MetLife and its henchmen should appreciate that such conduct may itself precipitate the suicide death of a person who has placed implicit trust in their organization to foster mental health. MetLife should investigate the conduct of Mr. Kooi to insure that its agents are not either wittingly or unwittingly subjecting mentally-ill claimants to untoward risks of suicide death or other preventible injury.”


     Part Two 

U.S. Magistrate Judge Bryant wrote that I have more than sufficiently alleged fraud against Metlife, and instructed me that the Attorney General has the sole authority to prosecute. I visited the F.B.I. twice and they refused to take any action, even though thousands of lives are destroyed every year.

     WFAA in Dallas showed how many insurance companies stripped medical records out of injured workers files before they had their doctor's review the files, and then they denied the claims. WFAA showed that many injured workers even kill their selves because they are in such pain and can't get treatment.

     You can see a compilation of evidence and Judges quotes by going to

     I have had cancer burnt out of one eye and I desperately need help to stop the insurance companies from destroying more lives.

Barry Schmittou




1/13/2009 7:52 AM
Hmm wow, well it seems like you've gotten through here, at least. That doesn't sound to me like a censorship thing so much as a controlling length so that everyone can have a chance to be heard thing.
1/13/2009 7:57 AM
I believe this is true and have read some of the evidence. I've known of real life examples. However, I don't agree with you are being blocked, because I have experienced some of the same Glitches... errors on the page that dont let me back in and really I was just making small comments or helping someone, it was happening often for a while, maybe when you were trying these posts. I still get the errors not so often. I think it is a programming thing. 

Again, I agree, something needs to be done with these actions by the insurance companies, and accountability held and laws put in place. It is an aggregious crime to those who have coverage and need it.

So I will vote up with the understanding, that it is the point of the request to submit and not an agreement with the assessment of blocking. Although, I can see how you might come to that conclusion. I wish you the very best Barry
1/13/2009 7:58 AM
i think that he should do that because of the fact that is
well be a great think for the people of new york ithink that
it is a great idea beacuse of the fact that its helping out the
the people
CHANGE? haha Yeah Right
1/13/2009 8:46 AM
I work in a hospital, I am surrounded by doctors, and other so called professionals.
I can say for a FACT that no doctor or insurance company (or hospital for that matter) gives a damn about any patients, they care for one thing, and one thing only.....
Profit Margins!!!! 
1/13/2009 8:47 AM
Jonny and CitizenSkyye make a good point.   You did get through this time and it does seem you have a lot to say.  I wouldn't worry so much about censorship.  But,  I do agree with you.  Certain insurance companies have committed crimes.  But its important to point out that not all companies do.  Not all reporters are sensationalists and not all crime is committed by a certain race. You have the good and the bad and to stereotype one group is dangerous.  It simply sends the wrong message.  Something needs to be done for anyone who commits crime no matter how big they are.  That would include Presidents and Vice-Presidents.
Barry Schmittou
1/13/2009 10:21 AM
Thank you for all the nice comments, and I do understand that some of the problems could be a glitch, but after one comment I was unable to post the second introductory comment, even on several attempts. When I went back in anonymously I could make a short post. This has occurred several times to me on the "Seat at the Table". This Citizen's Briefing Book" is a totally different section of the web site, and so far I have had no problem posting here.

To me the three important things are (1) with only 2,000 or so topics posted on this "Citizens Briefing Book" , someone as intelligent as President Obama could quickly scan the topics, instead of leaving what he reads to the chance of an internet vote, and the selection of his staff, who could have their own special interest favor. (2) the comments that I could not post were bullet pointed briefs, and I also requested that a full topic of the evidence I have would be posted on the "Seat at the Table", and they did not post  that but they did post a complete topic with it's own heading for an individual regarding transgender equality. I believe the proven crimes I am trying to get investigated are certainly as important as trangender equality, and I believe my evidence affects more people because thousands of people are having their lives destroyed every year, and it can happen to anyone unless you are very wealthy.

I have been ignored by politicians from both parties for so long I don't see anything changing here.  I am greatly damaging my vision with this desperate struggle, and I after periodically posting on here since last month, no one has contacted me regarding perpetual crimes that are destroying so many. I am quickly losing hope in Obama;s team.

I do greatly appreciate your comments, I especially appreciate that evcen though you did not agree with some of my thoughts you were very kind in expressing your thoughts. I love that great American tradition of polite Democracy !!
The Progressive Logic Guy
1/13/2009 2:56 PM


Why has Obama been ignoring the demand of his supporters for a single payer health care system?  Does he have political debts to the insurance companies, HMOs, and pharmaceutical corporations? Government officials don’t worry about “affordable” health care, they get it for free.  We should take health insurance off the backs of employers and have a generalized Medicare system for all citizens and resident aliens.  Are we who participate in this exercise being had?

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