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Hard, J. J., J. M. Myers, M. J. Ford, R. G. Kope, G. R. Pess, R. S. Waples, G. A. Winans, B. A. Berejikian, F. W. Waknitz, P. B. Adams, P. A. Bisson, D. E. Campton, R. Reisenbichler. 2007. Status review of Puget Sound steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-81, 117 p.Go to metadata icon

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Nash, C. E., P. R. Burbridge, J. K. Volkman. (eds.) 2005. Guidelines for ecological risk assessment of marine fish aquaculture. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-71, 90 p.Go to metadata icon

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Berejikian, B.A., and M.J. Ford. 2004. Review of relative fitness of hatchery and natural salmon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-61, 28 p.Go to metadata icon

Rhodes, L. D., C. K. Rathbone, S. C. Corbett, L. W. Harrell, M. S. Strom. 2004. Efficacy of cellular vaccines and genetic adjuvants against bacterial kidney disease in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 16(4):461-474. (The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract: PubMed | The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteFull Article: Fish & Shellfish Immunology)Go to metadata icon

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Nilsson, W. B., R. N. Paranjpye, A. DePaola, M. S. Strom. 2003. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Sequence polymorphisms in the 16S rRNA gene of Vibrio vulnificus is a possible indicator of strain virulence. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41:442-446.Go to metadata icon

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Masada, C. L., S. E. LaPatra, A. W. Morton, M. S. Strom. 2002. An Aeromonas salmonicida type IV pilin is required for virulence in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 51:13-25.Go to metadata icon

Nilsson, W. B., M. S. Strom. 2002. Detection and identification of bacterial pathogens of fish in kidney tissue using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of 16S rRNA genes. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 48:175-185. (The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract with link to PDF: DAO | The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract: PubMed | Supporting file: T-RLFP Library for identification of fish pathogens)Go to metadata icon

Rhodes, L. D., A. M. Coady, M. S. Strom. 2002. Expression of duplicate msa genes in the salmonid pathogen Renibacterium salmoninarum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68:5480-5487. (The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract and complete article: AEM | The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract: PubMed)Go to metadata icon

Waknitz, F. W., T. J. Tynan, C. E. Nash, R. N. Iwamoto, L. G. Rutter. 2002. Review of Potential Impacts of Atlantic Salmon Culture on Puget Sound Chinook Salmon and Hood Canal Summer-Run Chum Salmon Evolutionarily Significant Units. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-53, 83 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

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Colt, J., K. D. Shearer. 2001. Evaluation of the use of the Torry Fat Meter to non-lethally estimate lipid in adult salmon. Report to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, Contract W66QKZ00805700, v, 75 p.Go to metadata icon

Maynard, D. J., G. C. McDowell, G. A. Snell, A. LaRae, J. L. Hackett, T. A. Flagg, C. V. Mahnken. 2001. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Coordinating the integration of natures variables into the Forks Creek study. Pages 60-79 in Maynard, D. J., B. A. Berejikian, T. A. Flagg, C. V. Mahnken. (Eds.) Development of a natural rearing system to improve supplemental fish quality 1996-1998. Report to Bonneville Power Administration. Contract DE-A179-91BP20651.Go to metadata icon

Nash, C. E., K. M. Brooks, W. T. Fairgrieve, R. N. Iwamoto, C. V. Mahnken, M. B. Rust, M. S. Strom, F. W. Waknitz. 2001. The net-pen salmon farming industry in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-49, 125 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

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Flagg, T. A., B. A. Berejikian, J. Colt, W. W. Dickhoff, L. W. Harrell, D. J. Maynard, C. E. Nash, M. S. Strom, R. N. Iwamoto, C. V. Mahnken. 2000. Ecological and behavioral impacts of artificial production strategies on the abundance of wild salmon populations. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-41, 92 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

Kirov, S. M., T. C. Barnett, C. M. Pepe, M. S. Strom, M. J. Albert. 2000. Investigation of the role of the type IV Aeromonas pilus (Tap) in the pathogenesis of Aeromonas gastrointestinal infection. Infection and Immunity, 68:4040-4048. (The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract and Complete Article: IAI | The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract: PubMed | The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteComplete article PDF)Go to metadata icon

Rhodes, L. D., T. H. Grayson, S. M. Alexander, M. S. Strom. 2000. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Description and characterization of IS994, a putative IS3 family insertion sequence from the salmon pathogen, Renibacterium salmoninarum. Gene, 244:97-107.Go to metadata icon

Strom, M. S., R. N. Paranjpye. 2000. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Epidemiology and pathogenesis of Vibrio vulnificus. Microbes and Infection, 2:177-188.Go to metadata icon

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Flagg, T. A., C. E. Nash. (Eds.) 1999. A conceptual framework for conservation hatchery strategies for Pacific salmonids. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-38, 48 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

O'Farrell, C. L., M. S. Strom. 1999. Differential expression of the virulence-associated protein p57 and characterization of its duplicated gene msa in virulent and attenuated strains of Renibacterium salmoninarum. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 38:115-123. (The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract: DAO | The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract: PubMed)Go to metadata icon

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Paranjpye, R. N., J. C. Lara, J. C. Pepe, C. M. Pepe, M. S. Strom. 1998. The Type IV Leader Peptidase/N-Methyltransferase of Vibrio vulnificus Controls Factors Required for Adherence to HEp-2 cells and Virulence in Iron-Overloaded Mice. Infection and Immunity, 66:5659-5668. (The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract and complete article: IAI | The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteAbstract: PubMed | The next link will exit from NWFSC web siteComplete article PDF)Go to metadata icon

Rhodes, L. D., W. B. Nilsson, M. S. Strom. 1998. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Sensitive detection of Renibacterium salmoninarum in whole fry, blood, and other tissues of Pacific salmon by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, 7:270-279.Go to metadata icon

Strom, M. S. 1998. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of a non-hemolytic variant of Listeria monocytogenes from cold-smoked salmon. Food Microbiology, 15:329-337.Go to metadata icon

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Barnett, T. C., S. M. Kirov, M. S. Strom, K. Sanderson. 1997. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Aeromonas spp. possess at least two distinct type IV pilus families. Microbial Pathogenesis, 23:241-247.Go to metadata icon

Lory, S., M. S. Strom. 1997. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Structure and function relationship of type IV prepilin peptidase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Gene, 192:117-121.Go to metadata icon

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Pepe, C. M., M. W. Eklund, M. S. Strom. 1996. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Cloning of an Aeromonas hydrophila type IV pilus biogenesis gene cluster: Complementation of pilus assembly functions and characterization of a type IV leader peptidase/N-methyltransferase required for extracellular protein secretion. Molecular Microbiology, 19(4):857-869.Go to metadata icon

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Reppond, K. D., J. K. Babbitt. 1995. Frozen storage stability of fillets, mince, and mixed blocks prepared from unfrozen and previously frozen pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-21, 57 p.Go to metadata icon

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Strom, M. S., D. N. Nunn, S. Lory. 1994. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Post translational processing of type IV prepilin and its homologues by PilD of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Methods in Enzymology, 235:527-540.Go to metadata icon

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Prentice, E. F., D. J. Maynard, P. Sparks-Mcconkey, C. S. McCutcheon, D. Neff, W. Steffens, F. W. Waknitz, A. L. Jensen, L. C. Stuehrenberg, S. L. Downing, B. P. Sandford, T. W. Newcomb. 1993. A study to determine the biological feasibility of a new fish tagging system. Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Contract DE-AI79-84BP11982, 182 p.Go to metadata icon

Strom, M. S., D. N. Nunn, S. Lory. 1993. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site A single bifunctional enzyme, PilD, catalyzes cleavage and N-methylation of proteins belonging to the type IV pilin family. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 90:2404-2408.Go to metadata icon

Strom, M. S., P. Bergman, S. Lory. 1993. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Identification of active site cysteines in the conserved domain of PilD, the bifunctional type IV pilin leader peptidase/N-methyltransferase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 268:15788-15794.Go to metadata icon

Strom, M. S., S. Lory. 1993. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Structure-function and biogenesis of the type IV pili. Annual Review of Microbiology, 47:565-596.Go to metadata icon

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Strom, M. S., S. Lory. 1992. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Kinetics and sequence specificity of processing of prepilin by PilD, the Type IV leader peptidase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Bacteriology, 174:7345-7351.Go to metadata icon

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Barnett, H., R. W. Nelson, F. T. Poysky. 1991. A Comparative Study Using Multiple Indices to Measure Changes in Quality of Pink and Coho Salmon During Fresh and Frozen Storage. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-F/NWC-208. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

Johnson, O. W., T. A. Flagg, D. J. Maynard, G. B. Milner, F. W. Waknitz. 1991. Status review for lower Columbia River coho salmon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-F/NWC-202, 94 p. (Complete Article (PDF) | Summary (HTML))Go to metadata icon

Reppond, K. D., J. K. Babbitt. 1991. Characterization and Frozen Storage Stability of Cod Mince Subjected to Mechanical Separation of "Sealworms" or "Codworms". U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-193, 23 p. (Complete Article (PDF) | Abstract/Intro (HTML))Go to metadata icon

Reppond, K. D., J. K. Babbitt. 1991. Effect of Washing on the Stability of Walleye Pollock Surimi during Frozen Storage. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-F/NWC-192, 21 p.Go to metadata icon

Strom, M. S., S. Lory. 1991. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Amino acid substitutions in pilin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: effect on leader peptide cleavage, amino-terminal methylation, and pilus assembly. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 266:1656-1664.Go to metadata icon

Strom, M. S., D. N. Nunn, S. Lory. 1991. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Multiple roles of the pilus biogenesis protein PilD: Involvement of PilD in excretion of enzymes from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Bacteriology, 173:1175-1180.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., R. P. Jones Jr., B. R. Beckman, G. A. Swan. 1991. Status Review for Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-F/NWC-201.Go to metadata icon

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Eklund, M. W., F. T. Poysky, L. M. Mseitif, M. S. Strom. 1988. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Evidence for plasmid-mediated toxin and bacteriocin production in Clostridium botulinum type G. Appl. Environmental Microbiology, 54:1405-1408.Go to metadata icon

Lory, S., M. S. Strom, K. Johnson. 1988. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Expression and secretion of the cloned Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A by Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology, 170:714-719.Go to metadata icon

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Strom, M. S., S. Lory. 1987. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Mapping of export signals of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pilin with alkaline phosphatase fusions. Journal of Bacteriology, 169:3181-3188.Go to metadata icon

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Strom, M. S., S. Lory. 1986. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Cloning and expression of the pilin gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAK in Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology, 165:367-372.Go to metadata icon

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Strom, M. S., M. W. Eklund, F. T. Poysky. 1984. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Plasmids in Clostridium botulinum and related Clostridium species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 48:956-963.Go to metadata icon

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