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QUERI Project

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SHP 08-151
Measuring Implementation Success
Carol VanDeusen-Lukas EdD
VA New England Health Care System
Boston, MA
Funding Period: May 2008 - September 2008

The science of implementation is maturing and gaining prominence as we seek to identify successful strategies for integrating promising research evidence into clinical practice. One aspect of implementation science that has not received consistent attention is the measurement of implementation success - that is, measurement of the extent to which an innovation is actually put into regular practice as intended in the targeted organizations. Yet the measurement of implementation success is critical to implementation science because it essential in identifying effective implementation strategies and contributes to understanding the success or failure of the innovation outcomes.

To advance this aspect of implementation science by conducting an inventory of the measurement of implementation success in implementation studies in two HSR&D portfolio: Implementation Service Directed Projects and Implementation and Management.

The organizing framework for the inventory includes two sets of considerations: conceptual and practical. Conceptual considerations include 1) the operational definition of the innovation and 2) standards of implementation success. Practical considerations include 1) the scale of the implementation initiative; 2) levels of organization at which implementation is targeted ; 3) data sources including the availability of existing data and the resource and logistical constraints of collecting new data. Data collection will take place in three phases: 1) identification of studies to be included in the inventory; 2) review of available written documents; 3) telephone interviews with investigators from up to 40 selected implementation projects.

None at this time.

From the inventory, we will report the proportion of studies that include implementation success measures, create a typology of measures, and analyze qualitatively the factors that affect this measurement. These analyses will offer options of tools for other implementation researchers and lay the groundwork for further work in this area.

None at this time.

DRA: none
DRE: none
Keywords: none
MeSH Terms: none