United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
Patients' Home > Questions to Ask Your Doctor > About your diagnosisEnlarge Text Size:Small Font SizeMedium Font SizeLarge Font Size

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

About Your Diagnosis

Following is a list of suggested questions to ask your doctor about your diagnosis. You can print this page, add your own questions if you want to, and take the list with you to your doctor appointments. Preparing for your doctor visits in advance will help you to make sure all of your questions and concerns are addressed.

Doctor's Name:

Doctor's Phone Number:

Other Emergency Phone Number:

  • How much experience do you have treating patients with hepatitis C?
  • Are there certain daily habits I should change in order to help me stay healthy?
  • Do I need to make any changes to my diet?
  • Do I need to get vaccinations for other types of hepatitis?
  • How much exercise should I aim for?
  • How will I know whether I should start taking hepatitis C drugs?
  • How can I protect others from getting infected with hepatitis C?
  • Who do I need to tell that I have hepatitis C?
  • What tests will you perform to find out more about my health and how hepatitis C is affecting me?
  • Other questions you want to ask:
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