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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

In the News

USIP experts and specialists are frequently commenting on current affairs and international conflict in respected news forums. Below is an up-to-date list of specialists who have appeared and commented in the media.


December 18

Vice President for Post-Conflict Peace and Stability Operations Daniel Serwer was quoted on NPR’s Hourly News Summary referencing the new USIPeace Briefing Iraq in the Obama Administration.


December 17

John Dempsey, head of USIP’s Kabul office and Rule of Law Advisor, was quoted in an NPR Morning Edition story titled “Rural Afghans Resistant to Official Judicial System.” The story was part of the “Afghanistan: In Search of Justice” series.

C-SPAN broadcasted the USIP event “Economic Reconstruction in Iraq.”


December 16

A New York Times editorial called “A Policy for Preventing Genocide” highlighted the work of the Genocide Prevention Task Force.

A Washington Post article titled “Panel Cites ‘Tipping Point’ On Nuclear Proliferation” spotlighted the interim report of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States.


December 15

John Dempsey, head of USIP’s Kabul office and Rule of Law Advisor, was quoted in an NPR Morning Edition story called “Rough Road Ahead For Afghanistan Legal System.” The story was part of the “Afghanistan: In Search of Justice” series.


December 14

A Wall Street Journal editorial titled “Disarming Ourselves” cited the interim report of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture Commission of the United States.


December 12

John Dempsey, head of USIP’s Kabul office and Rule of Law Advisor, was mentioned in an NPR Morning Edition story called “Afghan Mistrust in Justice System Pronounced.” The story was part of the “Afghanistan: In Search of Justice” series.

Raymond Gilpin was mentioned in an IRG Discussion Forum article titled “The Role of Infrastructure in Post-Conflict Stabilization.”


December 11

An article from the Economist titled "Preventing genocide" highlights the work of the Genocide Prevention Task Force.

The Jewish Daily Forward published an article about the Genocide Prevention Task Force titled "Never Again, Really."


December 10

A Reuters article titled "Iraq seeks new role with others; EU-style security, trading bloc," cited a recent talk at USIP by Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh.

VOA English Service published a story on al-Dabbagh's talk called "Iraq Unveils Plan for Middle East Partnership."

Agence France-Press published a story on al-Dabbagh's talk titled "Iraq outlines regional plan for security, development."

The Huffington Post posted an article online entitled "Will America Lead the World Into a New Era for Human Rights?" that mentions the report of the Genocide Prevention Task Force.

An article highlighting the Genocide Prevention Task Force report entitled "Obama urged to give priority to genocide prevention" was sent out over the news wire by AFP.


December 9

USIP Director of Iraq Programs Rusty Barber was quoted in an AP story titled "Official calls for economic cooperation."

The Washington Independent cited al-Dabbagh's talk in an article titled "Iraqi Govt Plans A New Regional Framework."

The St. Louis Beacon published an op-ed authored by Genocide Prevention Task Force member Sen. John C. Danforth entitled "Thinking ahead: How to prevent genocide."

TIME magazine posted a story online providing a brief overview of the history of Genocide and mentioned the new Genocide Prevention Task Force report.

Genocide Prevention Task Force Co-Chairs Sec. Albright and Sec. Cohen gave a press conference at the United Nations in New York.

Genocide Prevention Task Force Co-chair Madeleine K. Albright was interviewed on CNN's American Morning cable television show. (Transcript)

MSNBC's Morning Joe show conducted an interview with Genocide Prevention Task Force Co-Chair Madeleine K. Albright.


December 8

The Washington Post covered the release of the Genocide Prevention Task Force report in the article "Report Gives Obama Advice on Handling Genocide Threats."

CNN's Wolf Blitzer interviewed Genocide Prevention Task Force Co-Chair William S. Cohen on the Situtation Room.

The Associated Press ran a wire story reporting on the Genocide Prevention Task Force entitled "Panel asks Obama to stress genocide prevention."

An article entitled "Bigger US role battling genocide?" reported on the conclusions of the Genocide Prevention Task Force in the Christian Science Monitor.

MSNBC posted an article online entitled "Obama asked to stress genocide prevention" featuring the Genocide Prevention Task Force report.

An article featuring the report of the Genocide Prevention Task Force ran in the International Herald Tribune entitled "Panel urges creation of genocide alert system."

NPR posted an audio interview with Genocide Prevention Task Force Co-chair Madeleine K. Albright about the release of the Task Force report from the show Talk of the Nation.


December 2

A New York Times story titled "Military Analysis Afghan Strategy Poses Stiff Challenge for Obama" quoted Senior Rule of Law Advisor J Alexander Thier.

Co-chairs of the Genocide Prevention Task Force Madeline K. Albright, former secretary of state and William S. Cohen, former secretary of defense, authored a CNN commentary about the task force's work.


December 1

Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow Leonard S. Rubenstein co-authored an editorial, Scientists and Human Rights, published in Science Magazine.


November 19

The Raleigh News and Observer highlighted USIP Board Chair J. Robinson West's talk: "The Energy Crisis -- How Did We Get Here and Where Do We Go?" in a story titled "Energy and climate change experts to speak at UNC."


November 18

The National Journal mentioned the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States in a recent story titled "President Obama Will Have Opening on Arms Initiatives."


November 17

Lisa Freeman highlighted USIP's recent event Apology in Reconciliation Processes in a blog post.


November 16

Jennings Randolph fellow Charles T. Call wrote a op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle titled "Obama sure to abandon the Bush Doctrine."


November 11

The USIP event, "Securing Afghanistan: Challenge for the Next Administration" was cited in a EurasiaNet article titled "Afghanistan: Pondering New Directions Under the Obama Administration."

The Washington Post cited a speech given by Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates at USIP's inaugural Dean Acheson lecture, in an article titled "A Tribal Strategy for Afghanistan."


November 9

Former USIP president Samuel Lewis spoke at St. Mary's College of Maryland on the subject, "Europe and Israel: Awkward Historical Partners" as featured on Southern Maryland Online.


November 7

USIP author Dan Kurtzer was mentioned in a Chicago Jewish News story titled "Some who might advise President Obama on Israel."


November 6

Scott Lasensky was quoted in a Jewish Daily Forward article titled "Centrist Foreign Policy Team Takes Shape."


November 3

Alex Thier was quoted in a Reuters article titled "US war aims in Afghanistan grow doubtful."


November 2

Scott Lasensky was interviewed on NPR about Syria.


October 31

A Reuters story titled "US risks overplaying hand with Pakistan strikes" cited a recent USIP event, "The Battle Against Extremism in Pakistan."


October 27

Serviam magazine featured an article on the consideration of USIP President Richard H. Solomon for Project HOPE's person of the year.

Daniel Serwer was featured on an Al Jazeera program discussing the future of Iraq and Afghanistan.

A Los Angeles Times article titled "A Pakistani diplomat's delicate mission" quoted J Alexander Thier.


October 21

In a story in the Times (UK) entitled "Afghan journalism student sentenced to 20 years for insulting Islam," John Dempsey is quoted.


October 22

The New York Times quotes John Dempsey in an article entitled "Court Spares Afghan Jounralist's Life."

University of California at Davis wrote about the selection of Keith David Watenpaugh as a new member of the USIP Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship Program.


October 23

Foreign Affairs reviewed the USIP Press book entitled "Faith and Politics in Nigeria: Nigeria as a Pivital State in the Muslim World."

The Roanoke News wrote an article about USIP's seminars being conducted at Virginia Tech.  


October 17

UCLA announced that A. Heather Coyne will deliver the Burkle Talk on Peacebuilding in Iraq on Thursday, October 23.


October 15

A number of news outlets mentioned Secretary of Defense Gates' speech at USIP's inaugural Dean Acheson lecture:


October 15

The Abington Journal mentioned a USIP alum in a story titled "Abington Heights High School Class of 1988 reunites, honors classmates."


October 14

A Christian Science Monitor story titled "Is US fighting force big enough," quoted Daniel Serwer.


October 13

An AFP story titled "Bush approach to war on terror under pressure was term ends," quoted Colette Rausch.


October 10

The Washington Diplomat mentioned USIP's plans for its new headquarters in a story titled "New D.C. Digs to Promote Peace Worldwide."


October 8

In a story titled "U.S.: Pakistan 'Greatest Single Challenge' to Next President," the InterPress news service quoted a recent report from the Pakistan Policy Working Group.


October 7

A Washington Times blog entry on foreign policy cited a recent report from the Pakistan Policy Working Group.


October 6

In a story titled "UN blocked on Burma Child Soliders," AFP quoted Radhika Coomaraswamy, U.N. Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, at a recent USIP event on the issue.


October 6

John Park was quoted in a National Journal article titled "Few Plans Exist for Korea After Kim Jong Il."


October 5

A Washington Post article titled "Standard Warfare May Be Eclipsed by Nation-Buillding" quoted Senior Program Officer Beth Ellen Cole.


October 1

USIP alumni C. Christine Fair, Mohammed Hafez and Zachary Abuza participated in the "Al Qaeda 3.0 Policy Forum" at the U.S. Senate.


September 24

Co-authors Scott Lasensky and Dan Kurtzer discuss their book, Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace, at Riverside City College; the Riverside Press-Enterprise quotes both authors.


September 23

Nora Boustany quotes guest scholar Frank Ricciardone in a profile of Egyptian dissident Saad Eddin Ibrahim.


September 23

WIRED Magazine profiles former JR Fellow Montgomery McFate as one of 15 people to whom the next president should listen.


September 23

Tufts University links to our news release announcing this year's Peace Scholars (as two are at the Fletcher School).


September 22

The Tribune Chronicle of Warren, OH announced, then covered, David Smith's speech at Cortland's International Day of Peace celebration and posted a photo gallery.


September 22

The Ventura County Star posted an article noting that Daniel Kurtzer and Scott Lasensky, authors of the USIP Press book Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace, will speak at a World Affairs Council event.


September 22

El Camino College's newspaper, The Union, published an article titled "Festival calls for peace on campus." Senior Program Officer David Smith was a guest speaker at the festival.


September 19

An article in The Weekly Standard discusses a survey of people from 17 Middle Eastern countries that was funded by USIP.


September 18

Roy Gutman is listed as a former USIP JR Fellow after his analysis on foreign policy questions for the next president.


September 18

UPI quoted USIP Vice President Steven Heydemann in an article titled "Analysis: Yemen attack shows AQ threat."


September 18

The World Bank announced in a news release that Board member Chester A. Crocker was appointed to the World Bank Group’s new Independent Advisory Board.


September 17

Avner Cohen published an op-ed titled “Why India and Not Israel?” in Haaretz.


September 17

Cox news service quoted Program Officer Sam Parker in an article about Iraq titled "Light at the End of the Iraqi Tunnel?"


September 15

The Northern Virginia Daily profiled incoming Jennings Randolph Fellow Chuck Call in an article titled "A schooled home."


September 11

AFP cites a USIP/CSIS/Asia Foundation report in a story about the health of North Korea's Kim Jong Il.


September 11

A CFR analysis cites USIP's newest report on Kashmir.


September 10

Emory University announced that former USIP staffer Laurie Blank will head up its International Humanitarian Law Clinic.


September 4

As classes begin at George Washington University this week, the university's student newspaper, the GW Hatchet, features a story about the school's soon-to-be neighbors, USIP.


September 4

An analysis in Beirut's Daily Star includes think tanks such as USIP as contributors to promoting dialogue in the Middle East.


September 4

KurdishMedia.com ran a Q-and-A with Jason Gluck on Kirkuk.


September 3

USIP's work was praised in a Scripps Howard News Service op-ed on the question of a U.S. Department of Peace.


September 3

Architecture Week highlighted our permanent headquarters project in its popular 'people and places' column.


September 2

Sam Parker is quoted in a McClatchy story called, "Some say Iraqi prime minister suffers from overconfidence."


September 2

Grinnell College in Iowa put out a news release announcing that Alex Thier will give a talk on September 23 as part of their National Security Speakers series.


September 1

Long Beach College announced on its Web site David Smith's September 10 visit to talk about child soldiers.


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