United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Just Diagnosed

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

The symptoms of hepatitis C infection are mild, but over time, the virus can damage your liver. You can help prevent this damage from becoming serious by following your doctor's advice and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Here are some important tips to keep your liver healthy:

  • Do not drink alcohol or take recreational drugs. Alcohol and recreational drugs are hard on your liver even when you are healthy. If you need help to stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs, talk with your VA doctor.
  • Avoid taking medicines, supplements, and natural or herbal remedies that might cause even more damage to your liver. Although Tylenol is safe in low doses, many pain relievers can cause liver problems in some very sensitive people. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before you take any natural or herbal remedy, supplement, prescription, or over-the-counter medicine.
  • Be sure to get plenty of rest, follow a healthy diet, and get moderate exercise. Ask your VA doctor for suggestions about what types of food would be good for you and what forms of exercise would be appropriate. More information is available in the Diet and Nutrition section under Daily Living.