Resource Record Details

Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment

Resource Record Cover Image Thumbnail - fema412cover.jpg This illustrated guide (available for download from shows equipment installers how to attach mechanical equipment to a building to minimize earthquake damage. Many examples using anchoring and seismic restraint devices are included. The guide begins with a list of various types of equipment and includes a chart that identifies the equipment, the recommended configuration for restraint, and the type of attachment needed. The second section provides examples of attachment types with instructions for installing equipment in different configurations. The third section provides examples of anchors. The fourth section presents special cases. Step-by-step instructions and special precautions are given for each type of equipment, the method for installing the equipment, and the attachment type needed. The guide does not cover non-building structural framing required to elevate equipment above the floor.

Document Details:
Media Type: File
Availability: Online
Custom CD/DVD
Language: English
FEMA Publication Number: FEMA 412
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 3830K) This is a large file and may take considerable time to download on slower connections. Consider adding this to your Bookshelf and then using the "CD on Demand" feature upon checkout instead.
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 131K)

Media Type: Print Publication (Hardcopy)
Availability: Distribution Warehouse
Language: English
Date Published: 12/2002
Number of Pages: 84
FEMA Publication Number: FEMA 412
Distribution Restrictions: Number of Hard Copies: 2

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