Resource Record Details

Seismic Rehabilitation of Federal Buildings: A Benefit/Cost Model. Volume 1: A User’s Manual

Resource Record Cover Image Thumbnail - fema255cover.jpg This user’s manual and accompanying software present a second-generation benefit-cost model for the seismic rehabilitation of federal and other government buildings.The benefit-cost methodology provides facility managers, design professionals, and other decision makers with estimates of the benefits of seismic rehabilitation and the estimated costs needed to implement rehabilitation.The methodology also generates detailed scenario estimates of damages, losses, and casualties. A tutorial and benefit-cost analyses of eight federal buildings are included. Alternative benefit-cost software and related technical assistance is available through FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program ( Additional information about benefit-cost analysis related to natural hazard mitigation is available in the report entitled Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: An Independent Study to Assess the Future Savings from Mitigation Activities (

Document Details:
Media Type: File
Availability: Online
Custom CD/DVD
Language: English
Date Published: 09/1994
Number of Pages: 135
FEMA Publication Number: FEMA 255
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 10638K) This is a large file and may take considerable time to download on slower connections. Consider adding this to your Bookshelf and then using the "CD on Demand" feature upon checkout instead.
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 235K)
Chapter / Section Records
Chapter / Section Title: Cover-Table of Contents
Chapter / Section Number: Part 1
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 501K)
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 12K)
Chapter / Section Title: Chapters 1-5
Chapter / Section Number: Part 2
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 4259K) This is a large file and may take considerable time to download on slower connections. Consider adding this to your Bookshelf and then using the "CD on Demand" feature upon checkout instead.
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 86K)
Chapter / Section Title: Chapters 6-7
Chapter / Section Number: Part 3
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 5473K) This is a large file and may take considerable time to download on slower connections. Consider adding this to your Bookshelf and then using the "CD on Demand" feature upon checkout instead.
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 91K)
Chapter / Section Title: Glossary
Chapter / Section Number: Part 4
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 278K)
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 8K)
Chapter / Section Title: References
Chapter / Section Number: Part 5
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 141K)
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 4K)
Chapter / Section Title: Appendices
Chapter / Section Number: Part 6
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 3126K) This is a large file and may take considerable time to download on slower connections. Consider adding this to your Bookshelf and then using the "CD on Demand" feature upon checkout instead.
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 31K)

Media Type: Print Publication (Hardcopy)
Availability: Distribution Warehouse
Language: English
Date Published: 09/1994
Number of Pages: 135
FEMA Publication Number: FEMA 255
Distribution Restrictions: Number of Hard Copies: 500

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