Aquatic Invasive Research and Outreach

View requests for proposals (RFPs)
Photo: Bryzoean in hand
Nonindigenous species introductions are increasing both in frequency and in the extent of damage they cause to the Nation's environment and economy. Although the most prominent of these has been the zebra mussel, nonindigenous aquatic invasive species have truly become a nationwide problem which threatens many marine ecosystems along the U.S. coast including the Great Lakes. Many nonindigenous species that are already present in U.S. waters, or that have the potential to invade, may cause significant damage to coastal resources and the economies that depend upon them. One of the most significant recognized pathways through which aquatic species invade is ships' ballast water.

CANCELLED! 2003 Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Grants Competition

The Department of Commerce appropriations bill for 2003 included far less funding for the Ballast Water Technology Demonstration program than the $2.25 million we received last year. This situation forces us to modify the Ballast Water Technology Demonstration program this year. The planned Ballast Water Technology Demonstration grants competition for 2003 funding is canceled!

NOAA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) are now planning how best to run the program this year, and to transition smoothly into 2004, when we hope the funding picture will improve. One option we are considering is to conduct a grants competition later in 2003, for anticipated funding in 2004. As we figure out the best way to continue the program, our plans will be posted [here].

View guidance and other supplementary materials related to the now-canceled competition

Completed: Sea Grant National Strategic Investments in Aquatic Nuisance Species, Oyster Disease, and Gulf of Mexico Oyster Industry

Sea Grant's National Strategic Investment (NSI) grants competition Aquatic Nuisance Species Research and Outreach is now closed. The NSI program funds research and outreach projects for the prevention and control of introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species. Submitted proposals were peer reviewed, and selections were made in March 2003.

Forty seven aquatic invasive species research proposals were submitted, of which 19 were selected for funding. Of the 26 aquatic invasive species outreach proposals submitted, 11 were selected for funding. Sea Grant expects to provide a total of about $5,600,000 to support aquatic invasive species research and outreach projects over a two-year period (FY2003 and FY2004).

As usual, the overall  quality of the proposals was high, and there were not enough funds available to support all of the proposals found worthy by the evaluation panels. After the  evaluation panels were over, the panelists were asked if they had any general observations on the proposals that future submitters might find useful. Their responses are set down in a short document, “Lessons for Proposers.”
View the Request for Proposals: [HTML] or [PDF]
View the "Lessons for Proposers": [PDF]

Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
The Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 established the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, and called for the formation of Regional Panels to deal with aquatic nuisance species issues, including identifying regional research and management priorities.  To date, four Regional Panels have been formed -- the Western Regional Panel, the Great Lakes Panel, the Gulf of Mexico Panel, and the Northeast Regional Panel. Just recently, the Mississippi Interstate Cooperative Resource Association (MICRA) received approval from the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force to form a Mississippi River Basin Panel. Some of these panels have published information on the priorities they have identified for ballast water and for aquatic nuisance species in general.

Although the Chesapeake Bay region does not yet have a Regional Panel of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, the Chesapeake Bay Program has brought together public and private interests to discuss threats posed to the Chesapeake Bay by aquatic nuisance species, and ballast water in particular.

Sea Grant Research and Outreach Efforts
An update on Sea Grant funded ANS research and outreach projects from 1995 -2000 was recently published by Ohio Sea Grant.

Also available:
listing of Sea Grant ANS projects supported in FY 2001
listing of ballast water technology demonstration projects funded since 1998 by NOAA or the Fish and Wildlife Service

The Sea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site (SGNIS) is a project of the National Sea Grant College Program, produced by the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network. It is a national information center that contains a comprehensive collection of research publications and education materials produced by Sea Grant programs and other research institutions across the country on zebra mussels and other aquatic nuisance species.

To learn more about what Sea Grant and others are doing in this area, visit these sites:

AIS Email Distribution List
The National Sea Grant Office maintains an AIS email distribution list, to which it periodically sends email notifications of funding announcements and other invasive species information.
  • Add or delete your email address to this distribution list.
  • View the archive of previous messages sent to this distribution list.
One-click Multiple Site Invasive Species Search
To learn more on what's being done on a specific species or issue, you can search the entire Sea Grant network for aquatic invasive species information. If your browser supports javascript, you can perform simultaneous multiple searches on the Sea Grant Network and other web-based databases devoted to aquatic invasive species: