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Antiretroviral Therapy

Care of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women

Prenatal Care
Immunizations and Opportunistic Infection Prophylaxis
Patient Education
Table 1. Recommended Evaluation and Routine Monitoring of the Pregnant Woman with HIV Infection: Initial and Subsequent Visits
Table 2. Recommended Evaluation and Routine Monitoring of the Pregnant Woman with HIV Infection: Second and Third Trimesters
Table 3. Recommended Evaluation and Routine Monitoring of the Pregnant Woman with HIV Infection: Labor and Delivery
Table 4. Immunizations and Postexposure Prophylaxis in Pregnant Women with HIV Infection
Table 5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Contraceptives


This chapter describes the elements involved in caring for the pregnant woman with HIV infection, whether the woman was known to be HIV infected before conception or was found to be HIV infected during pregnancy. It is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion of this topic, and an HIV-experienced obstetrician and an HIV specialist should be involved in the management of all HIV-infected pregnant women. For centers that do not have HIV specialists available, experts at the National Perinatal HIV Consultation and Referral Service are available for consultation through the Perinatal Hotline (888-448-8765).

The first task in caring for an HIV-infected woman who is pregnant or is considering pregnancy is to provide counseling that will allow her to make informed reproductive choices. Taking a careful reproductive history and providing preconception counseling should be part of any woman's routine primary care. To make informed choices about pregnancy, the patient needs education and information about the risk of perinatal transmission of HIV, potential complications of pregnancy, continuation or modification (or possible initiation) of antiretroviral therapy (ART), and the support she will need to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes.

The goals of HIV management during pregnancy are to maintain and support the woman's health, provide optimal ART to preserve or restore her immune system and suppress viral replication, and offering interventions that decrease the risk of perinatal HIV transmission. ART has proven highly effective in preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission. After the results of the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group study 076 were released in 1994, ART tailored to the specific patient has been recommended to decrease perinatal transmission and optimize outcomes (see chapter Reducing Maternal-Infant HIV Transmission). In the United States, ART should be offered according to the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Task Force guidelines (see Antiretroviral Therapy below).

Preconception Evaluation of the HIV-Infected Woman

Ideally, the evaluation of reproductive issues with an HIV-infected woman begins before pregnancy. The preconception evaluation should include the following elements:

bulletReproductive history, including number of pregnancies, number of partners, pregnancies with each partner, and outcomes of each pregnancy
bulletLength of relationship with current partner, HIV serostatus of partner, and couple's sexual history, including condom use and sexual decision making or control of reproductive choices
bulletPatient's and partner's reproductive desires, and discussion of options

Any history of infertility or low fertility in either the patient or her partner also should be evaluated and discussed, including current information on gamete donation, other assisted reproductive techniques, and adoption. For a woman (or a couple) who has decided to try to conceive, several issues must be considered. Prominent among these is the HIV serostatus of both partners. If HIV infection is present in only one of the partners, the risk of transmission to the uninfected partner and techniques to minimize the risk should be discussed. (For further discussion and patient-education materials for HIV-discordant couples, see Aaron and Mercurius in "References" below.)

If ART is indicated, an appropriate regimen should be started before pregnancy, avoiding agents with increased risk for teratogenicity (eg, efavirenz), hepatotoxicity (eg, nevirapine), or metabolic complications such as lactic acidosis (eg, didanosine, stavudine, and zalcitabine). See chapter Reducing Maternal-Infant HIV Transmission and the Public Health Service Task Force Recommendations for Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant HIV-1-Infected Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV-1 Transmission in the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. October 12, 2006. It should be noted that most fetal organogenesis occurs in the early weeks of pregnancy, before most women know that they are pregnant. Thus, any medication with potential teratogenicity or fetal toxicity, whether an antiretroviral (ARV) or another drug, should be avoided in women who are intending to become pregnant or are at risk of pregnancy. Certain medications (eg, ribavirin) also should be avoided by male partners of women who may become pregnant.

Folate supplementation to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the developing fetus should be started at least 1 month before conception, if possible, because the neural tube forms in the early weeks of pregnancy (see below).

Evaluation and Counseling of Pregnant Women

All HIV-infected pregnant women should receive thorough education and counseling about perinatal transmission risks, strategies to reduce those risks, and potential effects of HIV infection or HIV treatment on the course or outcomes of pregnancy.

bulletThe goals of therapy for pregnant women treated with ART, as for all persons being treated for HIV infection, are to suppress the HIV viral load maximally (preferably to undetectable levels) for as long as possible, to improve quality of life, to restore or preserve immune function, and, for pregnant women specifically, to reduce the risk of perinatal transmission as much as possible.
bulletTherapy-associated adverse effects, including hyperglycemia, anemia, and hepatic toxicity, may have a negative effect on maternal and fetal health outcomes. Pregnant woman should be advised about possible ARV-related adverse effects and should be monitored regularly for these events.
bulletHIV-infected women should receive evaluation and appropriate prophylaxis for opportunistic infections (OIs), as well as vaccinations as indicated for persons with HIV infection (eg, pneumococcus vaccination) (see below).
bulletSome medications, both ARVs and other drugs, may cause fetal anomalies or toxicity when taken during pregnancy. These should be avoided in pregnant women, unless the anticipated benefit outweighs the possible risk. Consult with an HIV or obstetric specialist, a pharmacist, or the drug labeling information before prescribing medications for pregnant women.

Other evaluation and support for pregnant women should include the following:

bulletScreening for other potential maternal health problems, such as diabetes and hypertension
bulletMaternal nutritional evaluation and support, including initiation of a prenatal multivitamin containing folate (0.4-0.8 mg orally once daily) to reduce the risk of fetal neural tube defects. Pregnant women who are taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Septra, Bactrim, cotrimoxazole) and women who may become pregnant who are taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole should be given higher doses of folate. Some experts recommend a folate dose of 4 mg daily for women receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
bulletScreening for psychiatric and neurologic disease
bulletCounseling about the risks of tobacco smoking; smoking cessation support as indicated
bulletCounseling about the risks of alcohol or drug use and support for discontinuation of these substances as needed
bulletDomestic violence screening
bulletReview of medications, including over-the-counter and nutritional agents; discontinuation of medications with the potential for fetal harm
bulletImmunizations (eg, influenza, hepatitis B) as indicated
bulletInstitution of the standard measures for evaluation and management (eg, assessment of reproductive and familial genetic history, screening for infectious diseases or sexually transmitted diseases [STDs])
bulletPlanning for maternal-fetal medicine consultation, if desired or indicated
bulletSelection of effective and appropriate postpartum contraceptive methods if desired

Comprehensive Care of Pregnant Women with HIV Infection

Comprehensive care is important for pregnant women with HIV infection to achieve a healthy pregnancy and delivery. A multidisciplinary approach is the most effective way to address the medical, psychological, social, and practical challenges. For example, while her medical care is being managed by her obstetrician and an HIV specialist, the pregnant woman may need help from a social worker to find appropriate social services for food, housing, child care, and parenting issues. The pregnant woman may need counseling and psychological support for herself and her partner, as well as referrals for substance abuse and detoxification programs. Peer counselors may be of particular assistance. Some patients may need legal or domestic violence services during and after pregnancy. Cooperation and communication between the obstetrician or nurse/midwife and the primary HIV provider are imperative throughout the pregnancy and early postpartum period. Referral to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist may be needed in complicated obstetric cases.

Prenatal Care

All of the pregnancy-related complications seen in HIV-uninfected women, such as hypertensive disorders, ectopic pregnancy, psychiatric illness, multiple gestation, preterm delivery, and STDs also can occur in HIV-infected women. These problems must be recognized quickly and treated appropriately to avoid life-threatening complications. Ideally, HIV-infected pregnant women are managed by both an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist and an HIV specialist. Communication between these specialists about medications, expectations, and complications is vital for the health and well-being of both mother and baby. If complications occur or abnormalities are detected, they should be evaluated and treated as indicated by the condition, and referral should be made to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist, if possible. Antenatal fetal surveillance and testing to identify fetal abnormalities should be carried out using guidelines established by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Tables 1-3 present the suggested testing and monitoring practices for pregnant women with HIV infection, from the first trimester to labor and delivery.

Table 1. Recommended Evaluation and Routine Monitoring of the Pregnant Woman with HIV Infection: Initial and Subsequent Visits
Table 1. Recommended Evaluation and Routine Monitoring of the Pregnant Woman with HIV Infection: Initial and Subsequent Visits
Initial VisitFrequency/Subsequent Visits
HIV HistoryDate of diagnosis-
Signs and symptomsEvery visit
Nadir CD4 and current CD4 cell count; HIV viral load-
ARV history, including regimen efficacy, toxicity, and ARV resistance-
Opportunistic infections and malignanciesEvery visit
History of genital herpes (HSV-2)-
AdherenceEvery visit
Obstetric HistoryNumber of pregnancies; complications and outcomes-
History of genetic disorders-
Use of ARV prophylaxis during previous pregnancies-
HIV status of children-
Current PregnancyLast menstrual period (LMP)-
Pregnancy: intended or not-
Contraceptive methods used, if any-
Gestational age (can be calculated in a woman with regular menses, counting weeks from LMP)Every visit
Estimated date of delivery-
Signs or symptoms of maternal complications: elevated blood pressure, headache, significant edema, gastrointestinal or genitourinary symptoms, vaginal discharge or bleeding, decreased fetal movementEvery visit
Screen for intimate-partner violenceEvery visit
Physical Examination
GeneralVital signs and weight, funduscopy, breast examEvery visit
GynecologicPelvic exam, STD screening, examination for perineal or vaginal lesions (discoloration, condyloma, ulcerative lesions, vaginal discharge), cervical lesions, discharge or bleedingAs indicated
Fundal height, correlating with gestational age (concordant between 18 and 30 weeks)Every visit
Fetal heart beat and rate: audible with DeLee fetal stethoscope between 16 and 19 weeks, earlier with Doppler devicesEvery visit
Fetal movements and position in third trimesterEvery visit
Laboratory Tests
HIVHIV enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with Western blot confirmation (if HIV status is not known) or rapid test and confirmatory test-
HIV viral load and CD4 count (total and %)Every 3 months (at least every trimester) or as indicated
Fasting lipid measurementAs indicated
Genotype if ARV naive or detectable HIV RNA while on ARTAs indicated
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) immunoglobulin G (IgG) if CD4 count <100 cells/µL or if at low risk for CMV-
Toxoplasmosis IgG-
Consider HSV-2 serology, if history suggests-
GeneralComplete blood count (CBC); chemistries, liver enzymes (LFTs)Every 3 months or more frequently based on ARV regimen or symptoms
Blood group-
Rh antibody screen-
Rubella antibody-
Varicella IgG, if history unclearAs indicated
Screening for syphilis: rapid plasma reagin (RPR) or Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory (VDRL)As indicated
Screening for gonorrhea and chlamydiaAs indicated
Urinalysis and clean-catch urine cultureAs indicated
Papanicolaou smearAs indicated
Hepatitis SerologiesHepatitis A virus (HAV) antibody (IgG)-
Hepatitis B virus (HBV): HBsAg, HBcAb, HBsAb-
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody-
TB ScreeningTuberculin skin test (PPD); more reliable if CD4 >200 cells/µL (induration >5 mm is positive)-
Disease SpecificG6PD level, especially if anemic-
Consider hemoglobin electrophoresis, if anemic and/or at increased risk for hemoglobinopathies-
Serum screening for Tay-Sachs disease--both partners--if at increased risk-
Urine toxicology screenAs indicated
Table 2. Recommended Evaluation and Routine Monitoring of the Pregnant Woman with HIV Infection: Second and Third Trimesters
Table 2. Recommended Evaluation and Routine Monitoring of the Pregnant Woman with HIV Infection: Second and Third Trimesters
Weeks 16-20
Ultrasound Confirm gestational age, screen for malformations, multifetal pregnancy.
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) or triple screen (human chorionic gonadotropin [HCG], serum estriol, and AFP) Screen for neural tube and abdominal wall defect, trisomy 21, trisomy 18. Abnormal test requires further investigation--consider amniocentesis only if abnormality is detected on expanded triple screen or level-2 sonogram. Voluntary and requires counseling.
STD screening: gonorrhea, chlamydia, wet mount Repeat as indicated, according to the woman's risk factors.
Weeks 24-28
Complete blood count
Syphilis serology
Diabetes screening Consider at 20 weeks: check glucose 1 hour after a 50 g glucose load; perform 3-hour glucose tolerance test if screen is abnormal. If 3-hour test abnormal, perform regular glucose monitoring, especially in women taking protease inhibitors.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) screening BV increases the risk of preterm labor.
Weeks 32-36
Streptococcus B screening If positive, offer intrapartum chemoprophylaxis.
STD screening: gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis Repeat tests to rule out risk of perinatal transmission of these infections.
CD4 count, HIV viral load Results obtained at 35-36 weeks guide decisions on the mode of delivery.
Table 3. Recommended Evaluation and Routine Monitoring of the Pregnant Woman with HIV Infection: Labor and Delivery
Table 3. Recommended Evaluation and Routine Monitoring of the Pregnant Woman with HIV Infection: Labor and Delivery
Record Review
bulletDocumentation of HIV serostatus, blood type and Rh, hepatitis serologies, rapid plasma reagin (RPR)
bulletReview of antiretroviral therapy, if any, during pregnancy
bulletReview of HIV viral load results during pregnancy
Physical Evaluation
bulletVital signs and fetal heart rate
bulletFrequency and intensity of contractions
bulletFetal lie, presentation, attitude, and position
bulletVaginal examination: rule out herpes simplex virus (HSV) lesions; detect ruptured membranes; determine cervical effacement, dilatation, and position
bulletAvoid procedures that increase the risk of perinatal HIV transmission (eg, fetal scalp electrodes, scalp sampling, or assisted rupture of membranes)
Admission Laboratory Tests
bulletComplete blood count
bulletLiver function tests
bulletRPR or Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory (VDRL), if not done recently
bulletRepeat hepatitis B and C testing, if at risk for acquisition of hepatitis B or C, to prevent perinatal transmission of these infections

Immunizations and Opportunistic Infection Prophylaxis

Immunizations during Pregnancy

Immunizations should be given before pregnancy, if possible. Immunizations should be considered during pregnancy when the risk of exposure to an infection is high, the risk of infection to the mother or fetus is high, and the vaccine is unlikely to cause harm. Some vaccinations (such as measles/mumps/rubella) are contraindicated, and others should be given only if the anticipated benefit of the vaccination outweighs its possible risk. Special considerations for immunizations in HIV-infected individuals are discussed in chapter Immunizations for HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents.

Some clinicians avoid giving immunizations during the third trimester of pregnancy because vaccinations may cause a transient increase in the HIV viral load and theoretically may increase the risk of perinatal HIV transmission. An increase in viral load may be prevented with effective ART, and some clinicians defer immunizations until ART is under way.

Recommendations related to immunizations during pregnancy are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Immunizations and Postexposure Prophylaxis in Pregnant Women with HIV Infection
Table 4. Immunizations and Postexposure Prophylaxis in Pregnant Women with HIV Infection
Hepatitis A virus (HAV)Recommended for susceptible patients at high risk of infection, those with chronic HBV or HCV, those traveling to endemic areas, injection drug users, or in the setting of a community outbreak
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)Generally recommended for susceptible patients
InfluenzaGenerally recommended; give before flu season
Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)Contraindicated
PneumococcusGenerally recommended, repeat every 5-7 years
Tetanus-diphtheriaRecommended; give booster every 10 years
Immune globulins (For postexposure prophylaxis in susceptible individuals)Comment
MeaslesRecommended after measles exposure, for symptomatic HIV-infected persons
Hepatitis ARecommended after exposure to a close contact or sex partner, or in case of travel to endemic areas
Hyper immune globulinsComment
Varicella-zoster virus immune globulin (VZIG)Recommended after significant exposure to varicella-zoster virus (give within 96 hours)
Hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG)Recommended after needlestick or sexual exposure to a person with hepatitis B infection

Opportunistic Infection Prophylaxis

Some OIs can have an adverse effect on pregnancy In turn, pregnancy can affect the natural history, presentation, treatment, and significance of some OIs. Women should be monitored carefully for OIs during pregnancy, with special attention given to nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, back pain, and weight loss, which may be due to HIV-related illness rather than to pregnancy. Respiratory symptoms in particular merit rapid, aggressive investigation. Clinicians should follow the most current recommendations of the USPHS and the Infectious Diseases Society of America, which give special consideration to pregnant women for each OI discussed. (Guidelines for Prevention of Opportunistic Infections among HIV-Infected Persons--2002. June 14, 2002.) The indications and recommendations for OI prophylaxis generally should follow the guidelines for adults (see chapter Opportunistic Infection Prophylaxis). However, because of the risks of teratogenicity or harm to the developing fetus, some drugs routinely used for prophylaxis of OIs in nonpregnant adults are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Special Considerations for OI Prophylaxis during Pregnancy


Trimethoprim inhibits the synthesis of metabolically active folic acid. In pregnant women, folate deficiency increases the risk of neural tube defects in the developing fetus. Pregnant women, or women who may become pregnant, who are taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Septra, Bactrim, cotrimoxazole) have an increased risk of folate deficiency and should be given folate supplementation to reduce the risk of neural tube defects. Some experts recommend high doses of folate (eg, 4 mg daily) to overcome the folate antagonism of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Because neural tube development occurs very early in pregnancy, folate supplementation should be started at least 1 month before conception, if possible.

Genital herpes

Women with HIV infection are more likely than HIV-uninfected women to experience outbreaks of herpes. If herpes simplex virus (HSV) is transmitted to the infant, neonatal infection can be severe, even if it is detected and treated early. Strongly consider obtaining HSV-2 serologies in a woman whose clinical history is unclear. Treatment for symptomatic HSV infections should be offered during pregnancy, and suppressive therapy should be given to women with frequent recurrences. If a woman has an active outbreak of genital HSV or experiences prodromal symptoms at the time of labor or membrane rupture, delivery by cesarean section is indicated. Prophylaxis with oral acyclovir late in pregnancy to prevent neonatal herpes transmission is controversial and is not routinely recommended.


Prophylaxis is recommended for any woman with either a positive purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test (≥5 mm induration) or a history of exposure to active tuberculosis, after active disease has been ruled out. Because of concern about possible teratogenicity from drug exposure, clinicians may choose to delay prophylaxis until after the first trimester. Patients receiving isoniazid also should receive pyridoxine to reduce the risk of neurotoxicity.


All HIV-infected persons should be tested for immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to Toxoplasma soon after HIV diagnosis, and this should be a part of antenatal testing for pregnant women with HIV infection. Women with a negative IgG titer should be counseled to avoid exposure to Toxoplasma (eg, by avoiding raw or undercooked meats, unwashed or uncooked vegetables, and cat feces). Women with previous exposure to Toxoplasma (positive IgG titer) may be given prophylaxis during pregnancy, if indicated. For women who require prophylaxis, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is the preferred agent; some specialists advise against giving pyrimethamine during pregnancy.

Antiretroviral Therapy

Current USPHS guidelines for the use of ARV agents in pregnant women with HIV infection recommend treating HIV infection in pregnant women using the same principles and modalities as for nonpregnant individuals. The 3-part zidovudine (ZDV) regimen (antenatal, intrapartum, and neonatal) should be recommended as the minimum intervention to reduce the risk of perinatal HIV transmission. In addition to the 3-part ZDV regimen, the guidelines recommend offering effective combination ART to all pregnant women to maximally suppress viral replication, minimize the risk of developing resistant virus, and reduce the risk of perinatal transmission. The choice of ARV regimen should take into account the optimal regimen for the woman's health, the potential effect on the fetus and infant, the woman's previous experience, if any, with ARV treatment, and her stage of pregnancy. In most cases, the regimen should include ZDV, if possible. ARV agents with known teratogenic effects, such as efavirenz, should be avoided, especially in the first trimester. Some clients and HIV care providers may elect to withhold ARV therapies during the first trimester, because this is a period of rapid organogenesis and an increased risk of birth defects if teratogen exposure occurs. For women already taking ART at the time they become pregnant, the ARV regimen should be reevaluated for its appropriateness during pregnancy to avoid potentially toxic medications and to ensure maximal virologic suppression. If a decision is made to interrupt ART during the first trimester, the woman should be instructed how and when to stop and to restart ART and should be made aware of the risk of viral rebound during the ARV interruption.

Discussion of treatment options should include the known and unknown effects of ARV drugs on the fetus and newborn, recommendations for the woman's health, and the known efficacy of ZDV in preventing perinatal transmission. Recommendations should be noncoercive, and the woman herself must make the final decision regarding the use of ARV drugs. A decision to decline ART should not result in punitive action or denial of care; nor should ART be denied to any woman who wishes to minimize the fetus's exposure to drugs and therefore chooses to receive only ZDV to reduce the risk of perinatal transmission. The woman should be informed that ZDV alone does not reduce the baby's HIV risk as much as a potent triple-drug therapy, and also that monotherapy with any ARV drug confers a risk of drug resistance that may affect the success of future treatment for her and for the infant (if HIV infected).

The USPHS Perinatal ARV Guidelines are updated regularly as clinical trial results are reported and ARVs are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The guidelines include recommendations regarding ARV regimens, modes of delivery (vaginal vs cesarean section), and potential adverse events, as well as a detailed discussion of individual ARV agents. Pregnant women with HIV infection should be managed as a collaboration between an HIV specialist and the obstetric provider.

For further information about ARV treatment during pregnancy, see the chapter Reducing Maternal-Infant HIV Transmission and the USPHS Perinatal ARV Guidelines.

Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry

To improve tracking of pregnancy-related adverse effects and fetal effects, an Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry has been established as a collaborative project among the pharmaceutical industry, pediatric and obstetric providers, the CDC, and the National Institutes of Health. The registry collects observational data on HIV-infected pregnant women taking ARV medications to determine whether patterns of fetal or neonatal abnormalities occur. Pregnant women taking ARVs can be placed in this confidential follow-up study by calling 800-258-4263, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm eastern time; the fax number is 800-800-1052. Information is confidential and patients' names are not used. Providers are encouraged to add to the available information on fetal risk by using this registry at first contact with a pregnant woman taking ARVs. More information can be obtained at http://www.APRegistry.com.

Pregnancy-Specific Complications and Management

Nutrition Risk and Inadequate Weight Gain

Maternal nutrition and weight must be monitored throughout the pregnancy. A food diary may be a useful tool in assessing intake, and nutritional counseling is recommended.

Nausea and Vomiting

Women with signs of dehydration should be assessed and treated appropriately in collaboration with the obstetrician or nurse-midwife. Any medication used for nausea and vomiting must be assessed for drug-drug interactions with all HIV-related medications the patient is already taking. Women who are not taking ART at the beginning of their pregnancy usually are assessed and placed on an ARV regimen at the end of the first trimester, when the nausea and vomiting of early pregnancy have improved.


Pregnancy is a risk factor for hyperglycemia, and women treated with protease inhibitors (PIs) may have an even higher risk of glucose intolerance than other pregnant women and must be monitored carefully. New-onset hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus, and exacerbation of existing diabetes, all have been reported in patients taking PIs. Clinicians should educate women taking PIs about the symptoms of hyperglycemia and closely monitor glucose levels. Some clinicians check glucose tolerance at 20-24 weeks and again at 30-34 weeks if the woman is taking PIs. The baby should be checked for neonatal hypoglycemia at 1 and 4 hours.

Lactic Acidosis

Lactic acidosis is a rare but life-threatening complication that has been reported in pregnant women taking nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, particularly didanosine and stavudine. The combination of didanosine and stavudine should be avoided during pregnancy and prescribed only when the potential benefit clearly outweighs the potential risk. Clinical suspicion of lactic acidosis should be prompted by vague symptoms such as malaise, nausea, or abdominal discomfort or pain. Lactate levels, electrolytes, and liver function tests should be monitored carefully, particularly in the third trimester.


Women who are taking indinavir may have an increased risk of nephrolithiasis, but evidence of harm to the newborns has not been demonstrated. Women taking indinavir or atazanavir frequently develop elevated indirect bilirubin, but it is not known whether treatment during pregnancy exacerbates physiologic hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn.

Pain Management

Pain management during labor and delivery may be complicated by drug interactions with ARVs and by the higher medication tolerance in women who have addictions. Additional pain medication may be needed for women with histories of drug use.

Perinatal Considerations

The risk of HIV infection of the fetus during invasive procedures (eg, amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, percutaneous or umbilical cord blood sampling) must be balanced against the possible benefits of these procedures. Invasive procedures should be performed only after discussion with and consent from the pregnant woman.

Postpartum Considerations

Because HIV can be transmitted to the infant through breast-feeding, breast-feeding is contraindicated in the United States and other resource-adequate countries where safe replacement feeding is available. Breast-feeding information should be removed from patient educational material pertaining to labor and delivery. Breast binding and ice packs can be used as needed to reduce lactation discomfort. Clinicians should recognize that women in some cultural groups are expected to breast-feed and they may need additional support to use formula rather than breast-feed.

ART should be continued as indicated by the USPHS Perinatal ARV Guidelines. Maternal and infant medication adherence must be discussed with the new mother. Adherence barriers for the mother during the postpartum period may be different from those during pregnancy (eg, because of changes in daily routine, sleep/wake cycles, and meals).

New mothers should be observed carefully for signs of bleeding or infection. If the mother's glucose tolerance test was abnormal during pregnancy, she should be reevaluated (by 2-hour glucose tolerance test) 6 weeks postpartum and should be screened yearly for diabetes.

At the 2-week postpartum follow-up visit, the clinician should address the patient's concerns, screen for postpartum depression, assess adherence to her own and the infant's ARV medications, and ensure follow-up with the primary HIV care provider, pediatrician, and obstetric provider. This visit also affords an opportunity to address the woman's contraceptive needs and options, if this was not done previously.


Many contraceptive choices are available for HIV-infected women; some considerations are discussed in Table 5. Depending on the woman's risk factors, consistent condom use should be emphasized, with or without other methods of contraception, to prevent the transmission of HIV and the acquisition or transmission of other STDs.

Table 5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Contraceptives
Table 5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Contraceptives
* See chapter Antiretroviral Medications and Oral Contraceptive Agents and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents. October 10, 2006.
Contraceptive TypeAdvantagesDisadvantages
Barrier Methods
Male and female condom
bulletProtect against transmission of HIV and STDs
bulletRequires partner cooperation and correct technique
bulletHigh failure rate when used incorrectly
Diaphragm and cervical cap
bulletRequires partner cooperation and correct technique
bulletHigh failure rate when used incorrectly
bulletDoes not prevent STD or HIV transmission
Hormonal Methods
bulletDo not prevent STD or HIV transmission
bulletVery effective
bulletLighter menstrual flow
bulletMay have significant drug-drug interactions with protease inhibitors (PIs) and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) that may affect the efficacy and toxicity of estradiol and norethindrone, and of certain PIs*
bulletConsider alternative methods for women taking PIs or NNRTIs
bulletSome concern about increased cervical proviral shedding
Injectable depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA, Depo-Provera)
bulletEffective contraception for 3 months
bulletPossible increased risk of genital tract HIV shedding
bulletLong-term concern about osteoporosis
bulletLighter menstrual flow
bulletNo studies to document pharmacokinetic interactions, but possible significance
bulletPossible increased risk of HIV viral shedding
Vaginal ring
bulletLighter menstrual flow
bulletNo studies to document pharmacokinetic interactions, but possible significance
bulletPossible increased risk of HIV viral shedding
Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
bulletEffective for long-term use
bulletNo evidence of increased HIV viral shedding
bulletPossible blood loss with Copper T IUD
Surgical Methods
Bilateral tubal ligation (female)
bulletEffective; permanent
bulletDoes not prevent STD or HIV transmission
bulletNo future fertility (usually not reversible)
Vasectomy (male)
bulletEffective; permanent
bulletDoes not prevent STD or HIV transmission
bulletNo future fertility (usually not reversible)
bulletNot currently recommended
bulletNonoxynol-9 increases risk of HIV transmission
bulletDo not prevent STD or HIV transmission
* See chapter Antiretroviral Medications and Oral Contraceptive Agents and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents. October 10, 2006.

Patient Education

Key teaching points
bulletReinforce regularly and clearly the notion that, when the mother cares for herself, she is caring for her infant. Talk with the patient about stress, the importance of adequate mild-to-moderate exercise, and sufficient rest.
bulletEmphasize that regular prenatal care is extremely important to prevent complications of pregnancy.
bulletUse of a prenatal vitamin supplement is important, but cannot replace healthy food intake. Develop a plan with the patient for attaining the desired weight gain during pregnancy, while maintaining a healthy nutritional intake.
bulletCigarette, alcohol, and drug use contribute to poor maternal nutrition and can harm the developing fetus. Illicit drug use also increases the risk of transmitting HIV to the infant. Injection drug use can transmit hepatitis B and C and cytomegalovirus (CMV) to the mother as well as to the baby. Encourage cessation of cigarette, alcohol, and drug use, and offer referrals for treatment, as needed.
bulletBe sure the woman understands all planned procedures and treatments and understands their potential risks and benefits both to herself and to the fetus.
bulletDiscuss the risks and benefits (to the woman and fetus) of each medication to be taken during pregnancy, including those for which there are limited data on teratogenicity.
bulletDiscuss ART as part of the strategy to reduce the risk of perinatal HIV transmission to the newborn. Allow the woman to choose whether to add ZDV to her combination ARV regimen (if applicable), or take it alone. The risk of developing ZDV-resistant HIV should be discussed if ZDV is used alone.
bulletFor women at risk, diligent use of "safer sex" during pregnancy is important to prevent STDs and CMV, which can cause more complications when HIV is present. STDs can harm fetal development and may increase the risk of HIV transmission to the baby. New genital herpes infections during pregnancy can cause severe complications and even death in neonates.
bulletFor women with negative Toxoplasma titers, explain the need to avoid undercooked meats, soil, and animal feces.
bulletTeach the pregnant woman how to obtain medical attention quickly at the first signs of OI or other complication. Discuss what to watch for and how to get help when emergencies arise in the evenings or on weekends or holidays.
bulletHelp the patient clarify her child care options and encourage her to begin putting in place long-term child care and guardianship plans in case she becomes too sick to care for her child or children.


bulletAaron E, M. Thinking about Having a Baby? Preconception Counseling for HIV Discordant Couples [PowerPoint]. Philadelphia: Drexel University College of Medicine; 2005. Accessed March 14, 2006.
bulletAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 1999 Management of herpes in pregnancy. ACOG Practice Bulletin #9; October 1999. [Registration required.]
bulletAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Immunization during pregnancy. ACOG Committee Opinion No. 282; 2003. [Registration required.]
bulletAnderson JR. HIV and Reproduction. In: Anderson JR, ed. A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Resources Administration; 2005. Available online at hab.hrsa.gov/publications/womencare05.
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