United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Just Diagnosed

Before appointments

Start with a list or notebook. Prepare for your appointment with your doctor by writing down the following:

  • any questions that you have (you can print out Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Your Diagnosis and take it to your appointment)
  • any symptoms or problems you want to tell the doctor about (include symptoms such as poor sleep, trouble concentrating, feeling tired)
  • medications that you are taking (include herbs and vitamins)
  • upcoming tests or new information you've heard about
  • changes in your living situation, such as a job change

That way you won't forget anything during the appointment.

You may want to ask a friend or family member to go with you and take notes. It can be difficult for you to take notes and pay attention to what your doctor is saying at the same time.