Asian Longhorned Beetle
ALB Home Page  

Web Links

Last updated May 18, 2005.

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Web Site
Animal Plant Health Inspection Service - ALB Site Information on interceptions, quarantine efforts, and public awareness
US Forest Service St. Paul Field Office An excellent site with updated publications, infestation data, and public awareness
USDA-ARS Beneficial Insect Intro. Research Information on biological control agents for managing Asian Longhorned Beetle
Le Longicorne Asiatique Canadian site by Thierry Poire (French)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Large Canadian government agency.
ALB or Not ALB? Cornell ALB identification page
University of Illinois - Asian Longhorned Beetle Invades Chicago Photographs by J.E. Appleby 
City of New York - Parks and Recreation ALB alert and what NYC residents can do
Georgia Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey ALB Site General information and photographs
Chicago Botanical Gardens - ALB Site General information and descriptions of beetle-resistant trees
Exotic Forest Pest Information System  A lot of information with a large bibliography
BioBulletin Contains RealPlayer Movie
Talk of the Nation - Science Friday Listen to the Science Friday on ALB (Realplayer) - starts at 14:30
Northeast Center for Urban and Community Forestry Asian Longhorned Beetle Training Modules in Adobe Acrobat PDF Web Site devoted to beetles
National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS) General site with updated information and links


State and Province ALB Pages