ACE-1 logos to add to your AGU posters or transparencies



    New logo December 98, (includes SeaSalt), Click here for the .jpg file

ACE-1 Logo for Transparencies

ACE-1 Logo for Posters (shown in small size)

 The following logo files are available
Format File File Size (kb)
Transparency Logo  gif trans_lo.gif 3
Transparency Logo  tif trans_lo.tif 6
Transparency Logo  pcx trans_lo.pcx 9
Transparency Logo  bmp trans_lo.bmp 28
Poster Logo gif post_lo.gif 19
Poster Logo tif post_lo.tif 50
Poster Logo pcx post_lo.pcx 79
Poster Logo bmp post_lo.bmp 813

Note to Netscape users: To download a file into your local computer hold down shift and click on the file name

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U.S. Dept. of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / ERL / PMEL / Atmospheric Chemistry