Biodiversity and Conservation


Moth on manuka.  Image – Richard Toft.
Moth on manuka. Image – Richard Toft

The Biodiversity & Conservation team consists of about 50 scientists and science technicians based in Auckland, Hamilton, Nelson, Lincoln and Dunedin. Its mission is to undertake world class scientific research to underpin the protection of New Zealand's biodiversity, and to minimise the impacts of invasive weeds and invertebrates. We provide research and advice on conservation planning, biodiversity inventory and monitoring, species recovery strategies, biocontrol of weeds, management of invasive invertebrates, management and restoration of wetlands and forest fragments, pollination biology, genetic structure of populations, gene flow in the environment, and biotic risk assessment. Much of our research is carried out in highly modified areas and where the natural landscape abuts areas managed for production. Although we mainly deal with native organisms, and weeds and pests of the natural environment, many of these invasive species also affect productive land, and many native species find a home within agricultural systems. Our research therefore has strong implications for agriculture and forestry as well.

Research themes

Tools & Services

Science leader

Matt McGloneMatt McGlone EmailSend email to Matt McGlone

Landcare Research
PO Box 40
Lincoln 7640

Phone: 03 321 9999
DDI: 03 321 9733
Fax: 03 321 9998

Research areas

Biocontrol and Ecology of Weeds Bird population monitoring Conservation science Ecological Genetics Ecological restoration Environmental Biosafety Invasive invertebrates New Zealand terrestrial molluscs Pollination

Programmes & OBIs

Beating Environmental Weeds Environmental biosafety for GM crops and other new organisms Maintaining and restoring wetlands Sustaining & restoring biodiversity


Team members


Publications & presentations


Unveiling Secrets of the South Island High Country Environmental and Sustainability projects get technological boost

Databases & collections

Ant distribution data Ecological Traits of New Zealand Flora Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) Protected Areas Network – New Zealand (PAN–NZ)


Te Taiao – the Biodiversity newsletter Click, Wheeze & Chuckle Quardle oodle ardle Biodiversity protection resources for communities and agencies

Media releases

Unveiling Secrets of the High Country Landcare Research Annual Report Results from the 2007 National Bird Survey Seeing red this Christmas New Zealand scientist provides new insights into ancient Aussie Fun format for garden bird survey Research into alternative possum control methods vital. New bio–control to fight agricultural pest Wellington´s Wandering Weta Science supports forest regeneration Progress report on the Garden Bird Survey Wildlife CSI Moa research takes big step forward 2008 preliminary Garden Bird Survey Results Beetle to make clean sweep of broom Time for action on troublesome trees

Past Events

Conference: 3rd International Wildlife Management Congress Public event: BioBlitz .... Finding Nature in the City Public event: Garden bird survey 2008