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Getting our goat on Banks Peninsula

GoatsThe Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust, Environment Canterbury, Department of Conservation and the Christchurch City Council are working together to eradicate feral goats from Banks Peninsula.

Environment Canterbury biosecurity officer, Brent Glentworth, says feral goats are a serious threat to floral biodiversity. “They browse on all vegetation from grasslands to native bush. In medium to high numbers they prevent species regeneration, can ring-bark mature trees and several plants unique to Banks Peninsula are now at risk of extinction due to goat browse,” he says.

He says landowner support has been excellent as feral goats are often sources of lice, worms and footrot to sheep. The eradication operation is in its third year with results to date exceeding initial estimates.

The confirmed number of goats destroyed on Banks Peninsula up to April this year is a staggering 1389, with a further 1500 goats taken off the Port Hills in the last few months, funded separately by Environment Canterbury and Christchurch City Council.  “That’s a lot of mouths to feed,” says Brent.

However there are still some survivors left and it is hoped these will be picked up over the next couple of years.

Sightings of feral goats can be reported to Dave Hunter on 03 325-1215 or cellphone 0274 374 4743.


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