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Beyond Disengagement: Does a Renewed Peace Process Lie Ahead for Palestinians and Israelis?
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A Jewish settler removes the Israeli flag from the roof of his house.A Jewish settler removes the Israeli flag from the roof of his house as he prepares to leave the settlement of Nissanit in the northern Gaza Strip on Aug. 9, 2005. (AP/Photo)

Thursday, September 8, 2005
10:00 AM–12:00 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.

Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the northern West Bank, including the evacuation of Jewish settlements, has dramatically altered the status quo between Israelis and Palestinians—not to mention the domestic politics on both sides. 

This distinguished panel explored the central issues that will determine whether "disengagement" will lead to a revived political process. The speakers provided an update on Palestinian security reform, international economic assistance, and Israeli strategic thinking. Moreover, each offered a set of policy recommendations based on "lessons learned" from their experiences on the ground.


  • Amjad Attallah
    Managing Partner, Strategic Assessments Initiative
  • Larry Garber
    Former USAID Director, West Bank/Gaza
  • Shlomo Brom
    Guest Scholar, U.S. Institute of Peace
    Former Deputy National Security Advisor of Israel
  • Scott Lasensky, United States Institute of Peace, Moderator

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