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Pest Management

Provides information about electronic mailing lists that discuss issues related to pest management.

Membership to 'PestNet' is free and open to people both in and outside the Pacific and Southeast Asia who belong to government research and extension services, scientific organisations, academic institutions, universities and schools, and the private sector. In fact, it is open to anyone who: (1) has an interest in, (2) has a question concerning, (3) wants to share information on, or (4) has an announcement to make on issues which are relevant to plant protection and quarantine in the region.

Pest Alert List Server - University of Florida
This list is open for membership to any person with an interest in the insect, mite, nematode or plant disease problems that occur in Florida.

To subscribe: Send an e-mail to: listserv@lists.ufl.edu.
Leave the subject line blank and in the text of the message type: subscribe PestAlert-L your name

PESTCON - University of Iowa
Listserv to discuss IPM (Integrated Pest Management). The list is owned by Dave Jackson at the University of Iowa.

To subscribe to PESTCON, send e-mail to PESTCON@UIOWA.EDU, with subscription request in the subject line and body text of subscribe PESTCON Jane Doe where Jane Doe is the real name of the subscriber.

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Last Modified: Dec 02, 2008
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