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National Gallery of Art - THE COLLECTION

Tour: Gilbert Stuart Paints the First Five Presidents

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image of George Washington image of John Adams image of Thomas Jefferson
1 2 3
image of James Madison image of James Monroe
4 5
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The Gibbs-Coolidge Set of the First Five Presidents

The Gibbs-Coolidge paintings are the only surviving complete set of portraits depicting the first five presidents of the United States. Commissioned by Colonel George Gibbs of Rhode Island, the group was painted in Boston during the last phase of Stuart's career. In 1833, Colonel Gibbs' heirs sold the paintings to Joseph Coolidge of Boston, and the set descended through four generations of the Coolidge family. The suite retains its original Federal frames. (continue)


1Gilbert Stuart, George Washington, c. 1821
2Gilbert Stuart, John Adams, c. 1821
3Gilbert Stuart, Thomas Jefferson, c. 1821
4Gilbert Stuart, James Madison, c. 1821
5Gilbert Stuart, James Monroe, c. 1817