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CAPS Training Information

The Clinician Administered PTSD Scale, or CAPS, is the "gold standard" for PTSD assessment and diagnosis for both military veteran and civilian trauma survivors. There are several different training tools available for learning to administer a CAPS or CAPS-CA.

  • CAPS and CAPS-CA Technical Manuals

Also see the following articles for information:

Weathers, F. W., Keane, T. M., & Davidson, J. R. (2001). Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale: A review of the first ten years of research. Depression and Anxiety Vol, 13(3), 132-156. (PDF)

Weathers, F. W., Ruscio, A. M., & Keane, T. M. (1999). Psychometric properties of nine scoring rules for the Clinician-Administered Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Scale. Psychological Assessment, 11(2), 124-133.(PDF)

CAPS and CAPS-CA Technical Manuals

CAPS and CAPS-CA Manuals (version for children & adolescents) are available from:
Western Psychological Services (WPS).

Search their online catalogue for a list of products available for the CAPS and CAPS-CA. There is an interview booklet, interview guide, and technical manual as well as a continuing education (CE) questionnaire and evaluation form.

CAPS Training CDROM Information

Independent Study materials are designed to teach a set of essential competences for administering the CAPS. It is assumed that users will possess basic knowledge about trauma and its effects. No attempt is made to provide systematic instruction about PTSD in this training material.

It is also assumed that clinicians will be trained in the general skills required to conduct interviews (e.g., skills for communicating empathy or establishing rapport) as well as those important in managing the intense emotions that may be experienced by those suffering with PTSD.

The CAPS Training CDROM can be purchased or downloaded as an ISO image file.

Purchase CDROM Information:

The CAPS Training CDROM is $50 (for production and distribution) and can be ordered from NTIS National Technical Information Service

Download CAPS CDROM:

NOTE: The free download is large and time consuming. With DSL it will take an hour to download the CDROM image file, and with dial up it can take over 20 hours. It also requires software that can burn an ISO image file. Purchasing may be preferable.

The CAPS Training CDROM is also available as a downloadable ISO image file. Please complete and submit the CAPS CDROM request form if you would like to request permission for a free download.

Please read NOTE above, before requesting.

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