United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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HIV Coinfection Resources

  • VA National HIV/AIDS Web Site
    Information on HIV/AIDS for health care providers and patients from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • CDC Viral Hepatitis Web Site
    Information on all types of viral hepatitis from the National Center for Infectious Diseases of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • HCV Advocate
    Web site of the Hepatitis Support Project, whose goal is to offer support to those who are affected by hepatitis C and related coinfections. Information and education is provided, as well as access to support groups.
  • Hepatitis B Foundation
    A nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure and improving the quality of life of those affected by hepatitis B worldwide through research, education, and patient advocacy. Features information in English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
  • HIV/AIDS/Hepatitis C Nightline:
    Hotline providing support for people with HIV or hepatitis C and their caregivers during the evening and nightime hours. 1-800-273-AIDS or 415-434-AIDS; 5 pm - 5 am Pacific time. Also offers Spanish-language hotline at: 1-800-303-SIDA or 415-989-5212.
  • Guide to Hepatitis C for People Living with HIV
    A booklet on testing, treatment, coinfection, and support from the Treatment Action Group in New York.