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E580 - Emergency Management Framework for Tribal Governments

Course Description:

This course provides tribal leaders with a basic understanding of emergency management principles and their role in leading and directing their Tribes in implementing comprehensive emergency management systems.

Specific topics include:

  • Federal, state, tribal, and local partnership in emergency management.
  • Getting a program started.
  • Concept of emergency management and the four phases.
  • Definition and analysis of hazards.
  • Resources for emergency management available at the tribal, state, and federal level, as well as from the private sector.
  • Developing an emergency operations plan.
  • Comprehensive emergency management, its elements, and the appropriate role taken by the emergency manager.
  • Meeting the challenges for upgrading and sustaining emergency management capabilities.

Selection Criteria:

Tribal government officials who can lead and direct their jurisdictions in implementing comprehensive emergency management systems.






Course Length: 4½ days

CEUs: 3.1.

