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Research Priorities in Adolescent Health: An Analysis and Synthesis of Research Recommendations—Executive Summary

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This report reviews the recommendations that have emerged from numerous National reports, providing a collective assessment for the state-of-the-art-science. It identifies broad-based trends in research priorities, describes gaps in the existing knowledge base, and suggests ways that a National adolescent health research agenda could be developed and implemented.

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Inventory Code: MCHN103
Year: 2001
Language: English
Size: 8 1/2" x 11"
Length: 15 pp.
Audience: Professionals
Publication Type: Booklet
Author(s): Ozer, EJ.; Ozer, E.M.; Millstein, S.G.; Knopf, D.K.; Irwin, C.E., Jr.; Brindis, C.D.
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