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Innovations Along the U.S.-Mexico Border: Models that Advance HIV Care [CD-ROM]

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This CD-ROM introduces three of the five models of HIV outreach and care launched along the U.S.-Mexico Border by the Health Resources and Services Administration's HIV/AIDS Bureau, through the Special Projects of National Significance. It describes the Valley AIDS Council project in Texas; the Camino de Vida project in Las Cruces, NM; and an outreach project in San Ysidro, CA. The CD-ROM includes representatives from each project discussing how they provide care for and increase awareness of HIV/AIDS to the high-risk population living and working along the southern U.S. border.

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Inventory Code: HAB00384
Year: 2005
Language: English
Size: CD-ROM
Audience: Professionals
Publication Type: Compact Disc
Related Publications: Advancing HIV/AIDS Care Along the U.S./Mexico Border: A Report on the Border Health Initiative


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