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Web Watch DoD Sites
   Directory of DoD Web Sites
Web Watch - U.S. Department of Defense (click to visit http://www.dod.mil/) Web Watch: Defend America click to visit http://www.defendamerica.mil/) Web Watch - Defense Budget Materials FY 2005 Budget (http://www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2005/index.html)
WebWatch: Defense Business Board (click to go to view website) WebWatch: Defense Contract Management Agency (click to go to view website)
Web Watch - Defense Privacy Office (http://www.defenselink.mil/privacy) Web Watch: Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office Web Watch - Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap)
WebWatch: DENIX Defense Environmental Network and Information Exchange (click to view website) Web Watch: DeploymentLINK (click to visit http://deploymentlink.osd.mil/) Web Watch: Family Advocacy Program
WebWatch: International Security Affairs (click to view website) Web Watch: Joint Electronic Library WebWatch: . Legislative Affairs (click to go to view website)
WebWatch: Logistics and Material Readiness  (click to view website) Web Watch: Office of the General Counsel Web Watch - Pentagon Channel
Web Watch - Pentagon Memorial Project Web Watch: Military Health System WebWatch: Program Analysis and Evaluation (click to view website)
Web Watch - Reserve Affairs WebWatch: Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (click to go to view website) Web Watch - Stars and Stripes
Web Watch: Defense Transformation (click to visit http://www.dod.mil/transformation/) WebWatch: DAPA Project (click to go to view website)
Web Watch - The Joint Chiefs of Staff (http://www.dtic.mil/jcs/) Web Watch - United States Central Command (http://www.centcom.mil/) Web Watch - United States European Command (http://www.eucom.mil/)
Web Watch - United States Joint Forces Command (http://www.jfcom.mil/) Web Watch: North American Aerospace Defense Command Web Watch - United States Northern Command (http://www.northcom.mil/)
Web Watch - United States Pacfic Command (http://www.pacom.mil/) Web Watch - United States Pacfic Command (http://www.southcom.mil/) Web Watch - United States Special Operations Command
Web Watch - United States Strategic Command (http://www.stratcom.mil/) Web Watch - United States Transportation Command (http://www.transcom.mil/)  
Web Watch - Air Force Link  (http://www.af.mil/) Web Watch - Air Force Reserve  (http://www.afreserve.com/) Web Watch: Air National Guard
Web Watch - The U.S. Army (http://www.army.mil/) Web Watch: U.S. Air Force Band (http://www.usafband.com) Web Watch: U.S. Army Band (http://www.army.mil/armyband)
Web Watch: Army National Guard Web Watch: U.S. Army Reserve Web Watch - Marines (http://www.usmc.mil/)
Web Watch: Marine Forces Reserve WebWatch: Military Postal Service (click to view website) Web Watch: National Guard Bureau
Web Watch - U.S. Navy Band (http://www.navyband.navy.mil/) Web Watch - Navy Newsstand (http://www.news.navy.mil/)
Web Watch: TRICARE Military Health Plan Web Watch: U.S. Forces Korea
Web Watch - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (http://www.darpa.mil/) Web Watch - Defense Commissary Agency (http://www.commissaries.com/) Web Watch: Defense Contract Audit Agency
Web Watch - Defense Information Systems Agency Web Watch - Defense Intelligence Agency (http://www.dia.mil/) Web Watch: Defense Logistics Agency
Web Watch: Defense Security Cooperation Agency Web Watch - Defense Security Service Web Watch: National Force Protection Agency (http://www.pfpa.mil)
Web Watch: Missile Defense Agency Web Watch - National Reconaissance Office Web Watch: National Security Agency
Web Watch - Blue Angels (http:www.blueangels.navy.mil) Web Watch - Golden Knights (http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/goldenknights/) Web Watch - Air Force Thunderbirds (http://www.airforce.com/thunderbirds/)
Web Watch: Air Fore Aid Society Web Watch: American Red Cross Web Watch - Army Community Service (http://www.armycommunityservice.org/home.asp)
Web Watch - Army Families Online (http://www.wblo.org/home.asp) Web Watch: Deployment Connections Web Watch: Life Lines Service Network
Web Watch: Marine Corps Community Services Web Watch: Military Children and Youth Web Watch: Military Homefront
Web Watch: Military Sentinel WebWatch: Military Assistance Program  (click to view website) Web Watch: Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
Web Watch: Safekids    
Web Watch: Africa Center for Strategic Studies Web Watch: United States Air Force Academy WebWatch: Armed Forces School of Music (click to go to view website)
Web Watch - Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Web Watch: Government Benefits (http://www.govbenefits.gov/govbenefits/index.jhtml Web Watch - DANTES Education Support to the DoD Worldwide
Web Watch: Defense Acquisition University Web Watch: Department of Veterans Affairs Web Watch: Department of Defense Education Activity
WebWatch: Edugate (click to view website) Web Watch: Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve WebWatch: Federal Voting Asistance Program  (click to view website)
Web Watch: Fisher House Web Watch: George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies Web Watch: Military Sentinel
Web Watch: MilitaryStudent.org Web Watch: My Future Special Reports: myPay (click to go to special report)
Web Watch: United States Naval Academy Web Watch - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Web Watch: National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
Web Watch: Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies Web Watch: REGULATIONS.GOV Web Watch: Thrift Savings Plan for federal employees
Web Watch: Today's Military Web Watch: Troops to Teachers Web Watch: Uniformed Services University
Web Watch - USO Web Watch: Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation WebWatch: West Point Military Academy
Web Watch: Aug. 13 - Army Olympians Web Watch - World Class Athlete Program (Army) WebWatch: world Class Athlete Program (Air Force) (click to go to view website)
Last Updated:
11/18/2008, Eastern Standard Time
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