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  • Jim Williams (WAPC Executive Director), Dr. Elizabeth Duke (Administrator), Jennifer Abermanis (WAPC Board of Directors)

    Dr. Elizabeth Duke, Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), visited the Washington Poison Center while on travel in Washington State.  The Washington Poison Center Exit Disclaimer is one of HRSA’s Poison Control Center grantees.  Dr. Duke had the opportunity to tour the poison center and meet with the Managing and Medical Directors, a member of the Board of Directors as well as observe the Poison Center staff in action, taking calls from the public.

  • National Poison Prevention Week is March 15-21, 2009, this is a week nationally designated to highlight the dangers of poisonings and how to prevent them.

  • The Poison Control Program Update is a quarterly newsletter describing current and upcoming program activities and highlights new poison prevention resources. To receive future newsletters via e-mail, contact us.

    Past Newsletters

    Summer 08
    Spring 08
    Winter 08
    Summer 07
    Spring 07
    Winter 06
    Fall 05

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