(DoD Directive 5137.1)

        Under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, the ASD(C3I) is the principal staff assistant (PSA) and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense for achieving and maintaining information superiority through the collection, processing, and dissemination of an uninterrupted flow of information in support of DoD missions, while exploiting or denying an adversary’s ability to do the same.  In the exercise of these responsibilities, the ASD(C3I) shall:

    l  Serve as the PSA for combat identification, command, control, communication, counterintelligence, critical-infrastructure protection, electromagnetic-spectrum management, electronic commerce/business, information assurance, information management, information operations, information technology, intelligence, reconnaissance, security, space-based navigation, and surveillance.

    l  Serve as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Department of Defense (DoD). This responsibility includes providing direction and oversight for Information Management (IM) and Information Technology (IT)--including a Departmental IM strategic plan integrated with the Planning, Programming & Budgeting System and the institutionalization of performance- and results-based management.

    l  Serve as the DoD Executive Agent regarding an enduring Constitutional government and the continuity of government operations.

    l  Serve as the DoD Executive Agent for the National Communications System.

    l  Serve as the senior official to direct and administer personnel security policy--including security awareness and education policies.

    l  Serve as the senior official to develop and oversee DoD policies regarding the classification and safeguarding of national security information--including special access programs.

    l  Serve as the senior official for the development and coordination (with the Department of Energy) joint security classification policy and guidance concerning the design, manufacturing, or utilization of nuclear weapons.

    l  Serve as the Chief Infrastructure Assurance Officer of the DoD and as the DoD Functional Coordinator for National Defense.

    l  Serve as the DoD focal point for all space-related activities and functions.

    l  Oversee DoD responsibilities concerning counterintelligence and national intelligence policy -- including oversight of the Foreign Counterintelligence Program and the Security and Investigations Activities Program.

    l  Provide oversight of the Defense Foreign Language Program, the National Foreign Intelligence Program, Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness), DoD involvement with National Airspace Modernization efforts, and the Joint Military Intelligence Program.

         The ASD(C3I) exercises authority, direction, and control over the:

    l  Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) (DoDD 5105.19)

    l  Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) (DoDD 5105.21)

    l  Defense Security Service (DSS) (DoDD 5105.42)

         In addition, the ASD(C3I) exercises overall supervision of the:

    l  National Security Agency/Central Security Service (DoDD 5100.20)

    l  National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) (DoDD 5105.60)

    l  National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)