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Damaries CruzAn Interview With Damaries Cruz

"When I was diagnosed I had to find a way to turn this horrible thing, this negative thing, into a positive," she recalls. "I could sit there and cry and let this thing eat me alive, or I could celebrate my life and beat it. That was my choice."

Read her inspiring story


Visual AIDS Web Gallery
Visual AIDS Web Gallery

Visit the Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view this month's collection of art by HIV-positive artists!

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What's Hot


Word on the Street
Phill WilsonAdvice for President-Elect Obama From HIV Advocates

"The first thing the new president really needs to do is invest in a national AIDS strategy. Now, when the U.S. invests in aid to foreign countries around HIV, we require that they have a national AIDS strategy. Yet, we don't have a national AIDS strategy in this country, and as my grandmother used to say, 'When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.'"

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-- Phill Wilson, Founder and Executive Director, Black AIDS Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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Yes, always.
Only if it's a serious relationship.
Only if his/her partner asks.

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