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PTSD Research Quarterly (RQ)

The National Center produces the newsletter: PTSD Research Quarterly (RQ). Each RQ contains a review article written by guest experts on specific topics related to PTSD. The article also has a selective bibliography with abstracts and a supplementary list of annotated citations. Below are samples of our most recent issues, or you can search to find relevant reviews.

RQ Vol. 17(4), Fall, 2006 (PDF)
PTSD and Health Risk Behavior McFall, M and Cook, J

RQ Vol. 17(3), Summer, 2006 (PDF)
Research on the Latent Structure of PTSD King, L, King, D, Palmieri, P

RQ Vol. 17(2), Spring, 2006 (PDF)
Prevalence of PTSD in Primary Care Settings Slone, L

RQ Vol. 17(1), Winter, 2006 (PDF)
Dissociation and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) DePrince, A, Chu, A, Visvanathan, P

To Search for relevant RQs:

  1. Go to Advanced Search
  2. Use the bottom "Combination Search"
  3. Under "Document Type" select "Research Quarterly"
  4. Type in keywords as desired
  5. Select "with abstracts "
  6. Hit "Go"

Options: You also may specify your audience group if desired. If you do not want the authors and abstracts listed, select "summary" instead of "with abstracts ".

Subscribe and receive the PTSD Research Quarterly.

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