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PTSD Clinical Quarterly (CQ)

Each issue of the CQ contains several articles, many of which are still relevant today. PDFs of each issue can be downloaded from our website. Below are samples of several issues. We recommend that you search to find relevant articles.

CQ Vol. 12(1). Winter, 2003 (PDF)

  • PTSD and Telemental Health: Updates and Future Directions, by Morland, Freuh, Pierce & Miyahira
  • Women and Trauma: A Clinical Forum, by Prins
  • Clinical Considerations for Treating Sexually Revictimized Women, by Naugle, Bell & Polusny

CQ Vol. 11(4). Fall, 2002 (PDF)

  • PTSD Psychopharmacology Basics for Non-physicians and Beginning Psychiatrists, by Nagy & Marshall
  • Early Intervention: A Clinical Forum, by Ruzek
  • Homicide: Helping Children in the Aftermath, by Salloum

CQ Vol. 11(3). Summer, 2002 (PDF)

  • Management of Panic in Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, by Prins & Swales
  • Women and Trauma: A Clinical Forum, by Prins
  • Lessons Learned from 9/11: Considerations in the Development of School-Based Interventions Following Large Scale Violence, by Cloitre

To Search for relevant CQs:

  1. Go to Advanced Search
  2. Use the bottom "Combination Search"
  3. Under "Document Type" select "Research Quarterly"
  4. Type in keywords as desired
  5. Select "with abstracts "
  6. Hit "Go"

Options: You also may specify your audience group if desired. If you do not want the authors and abstracts listed, select "summary" instead of "with abstracts ".


When you search your results will appear in 2 formats:

An issue: ex) CQ V7N2, Spring 1997 The abstract contains the names and authors of the articles in that issue.


An article: ex) Pharmacotherapy for PTSD: A status report This occurs when the article is by someone affiliated with the National Center for PTSD.

In BOTH cases when you open or download the pdf you will receive the entire CQ issue.

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