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National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
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Articles and Chapters by National Center Staff

To support the effort to bring the most current research in PTSD to professionals in the healthcare fields, the National Center Staff publishes many Articles and Chapters. To search this extensive library of documents online, you can use the advanced search to find articles of interest. The full text versions of articles are provided in PDF format.

To use the Advanced search use the "Combination Search" and select NC Articles under Document Type. You can refine your search with keywords and audience. You also have the option to have abstracts returned with the search results.

Search results are listed with the most recent entries first with the name of the article or chapter, the authors and an abstract, as well as the PILOTS database ID number.

For a complete list of articles on trauma and PTSD in the worldwide literature, search the PILOTS database.

PTSD Information Center
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