Coastal Issues | Energy and Government

Energy and Government Facility Siting

The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) recognizes the importance of energy and government facilities and includes language to ensure states have a rational process for siting these facilities in their coastal zones, which considers the national interest in energy production as well as the national interest in protecting coastal resources. Energy facility siting is an important coastal issue. Meeting energy needs and increasing the United States' energy independence are two of the highest priority national issues.

The Mississippi Coast

Under the CZMA, coastal- dependent uses, including these energy facilities along Mississippi's Gulf Coast, should be given preference over other land uses within the coastal zone.

Facilities that explore, develop, produce, transmit or transport energy or energy resources in coastal and ocean areas provide significant benefits to coastal states and the nation in terms of energy, jobs and energy self-sufficiency. These energy facilities, however, also have the potential to impact natural, historical, cultural, and/or aesthetic resources within the coastal zone. Energy facility siting, like other coastal-dependent uses, should be given priority consideration when managing coastal uses pursuant to the CZMA. However, energy facilities can also conflict with other competing coastal-dependent uses such as navigation, fishing and mariculture, coastal tourism, and recreation, among others.

Recent increases in the price of oil and gas have resulted in a number of alternative energy sources becoming economically viable options. A greater number of proposals for developing wind, tidal, and other "alternative" energy sources are appearing in the nation's coastal zone.


Through coastal management policies and planning processes, coastal managers can address energy and government facility siting within the coastal zone to protect coastal resources and preserve national energy interests.

In Depth: Examples of energy facilities that have been, or are planned to be, sited in the coastal zone.

To address energy needs, reduce coastal use conflicts and preserve coastal resources, state coastal management programs must have policies and planning processes to address energy and government facility siting that could have an affect on the coastal zone. Planning for energy facilities can be challenging. Coastal managers must coordinate with a variety of authorities at federal and state levels. Plans should be proactive and not reactive to individual energy facility proposals. Even when sited in suitable areas, there can be "not in my backyard" opposition. In addition, for many of the newer alternative energy facilities, there is often limited information available on the coastal impacts from siting or operating these facilities.


U.S. Department of Energy

Wind energy
Comprehensive energy data
National Renewable Energy Lab

U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

Liquefied natural gas
Existing and proposed LNG receiving terminals — Map of existing and proposed LNG receiving terminals in North America

U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS)

Offshore oil and gas
Offshore renewable energy and alternate sources

Interim Guidelines to Avoid and Minimize Wildlife Impacts from Wind Turbines, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

For additional information, contact Bill O'Beirne.