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Health Education Assistance Loan Policy Memoranda by Date of Issue

HEAL Policy Memoranda by Category

On this page:

2009| 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | Before 1987

L-2009-01 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2009
L-2008-06 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2008
L-2008-05 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2008
L-2008-04 New Proof of Claim Forms for Bankruptcy Claim Submissions
L-2008-03 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2008
L-2008-02 New HEAL Online Processing System Dataset Submission Requirements
L-2008-01 Revised - Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2008
L-2007-07 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2007
L-2007-06 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2007
L-2007-05 Newly Issued Physician’s Certification of Borrower’s Total and Permanent Disability Form HRSA 539
L-2007-04 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2007
L-2007-03 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2007
L-2007-02 Newly Issued Repayment Schedule (Variable Rate) HRSA Form 502-1, Repayment Schedule (Fixed Rate) Form 502-2 and Holder’s Report on Health Education Assistance Loans HRSA Form 512
L-2007-01 Newly Issued Borrower Deferment Form HRSA 508 and Lender Contract Application HRSA 504
L-2006-08 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2006
L-2006-07 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2006
L-2006-06 Assignment of Judgment on Defaulted HEAL Loans
L-2006-05 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2006
L-2006-04 Maximum I HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending, March 31, 2006
L-2006-03 Newly Issued Lenders Application for Insurance Claim HRSA Form 510 and Request for Collection Assistance HRSA Form 513
L-2006-02 Evidence of Disbursement
L-2006-01 Updated Payment of "Low Balance" Claims
L-2005-09 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2005
L-2005-08 Updated "Disaster Relief" Forbearance for HEAL Borrowers
L-2005-07 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2005
L-2005-06 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2005
L-2005-05 Assignment of Judgments on Defaulted HEAL Loans
L-2005-04 Amendment to L-2005-1:  HEAL Borrower Loan Status (BLS) Update Process and the Lender’s Report on Health Education Assistance Loans (HEAL) and Amendment to L-2002-2:  Revised HEAL Borrower Loan Status (BLS) Error Messages and File Specifications; Amendment to Lender Policy Memorandum L-2001-1
L-2005-03 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2005
L-2005-02 Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL) Forms
L-2005-01 HEAL Borrower Loan Status (BLS) Update Process and the Lender’s Report on Health Education Assistance Loans (HEAL)
L-2004-10 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2004
L-2004-9 Termination of HEAL Refinancing Program – September 30, 2004
L-2004-8 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2004
L-2004-7 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2004
L-2004-6 Required Submission Date Change for September 30th Status Data Sets and Lender's Quarterly Report of Loans Outstanding
L-2004-5 Fiscal Year 2004 HEAL School Default Rate
L-2004-4 Borrower Loan Status Data Accuracy and Review of HEAL Borrower Loan Status Business Rules and Error Messages
L-2004-3 Litigation Dataset Accuracy and Review of HEAL Litigation Business Rules and Error Messages
L-2004-2 HEAL Privacy Requirements - New Bankruptcy Court Privacy Requirements
L-2004-1 Maximum HEAL Interest Rates for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2004









Default Rate FY 2002

L-2000-7 Guidance on the Use of Clearinghouse for Deferment
L-2000-6 Default Prevention Activities
L-2000-5 Quarterly Interest Rate
L-2000-4 Exceptional Performance Standard Audit Guideline
L-2000-3 Minimum Annual Payments By Borrowers
L-2000-2 Quarterly Interest Rate
L-2000-1 Chap 11 & 13 Bankruptcy Proceeding
L-1999-11 Interest Rate
L-1999-10 Exceptional Performance and HEAL Forms Web Site
L-1999-9 Interest Rate
L-1999-8 Electronic Data Submissions
L-1999-7 Interest Rate
L-1999-6 Exceptional Performance Standard
L-1999-5 Preclaims Assistance
L-1999-4 Forms; Deferment; Refinancing One HEAL Loan
L-1999-3 Interest Rate
L-1999-2 Legislative Amendments
L-1999-1 Y2K - Timeline for Tape Submissions
L-1998-18 Interest Rate
L-1998-17 Y2K – Model 204 to Oracle
L-1998-16 Interest Rate
L-1998-15 Borrower Loan Status; Amend. to Policy Memo
L-1998-14 Y2K – Data Submission Requirements
L-1998-13 Disability – Total and Permanent
L-1998-12 Preclaims Assistance
L-1998-11 Refinancing Application/Promissory Note
L-1998-10 Unable to Serve – Required Documents
L-1998-9 Interest Rate
L-1998-8 Borrower Loan Status; Amendment to Loan Status
L-1998-7 Premium Rates
L-1998-6 Bankruptcy Chapter 11 Chapter 13
L-1998-5 Submission of Claims with Judgment
L-1998-4 Interest Rate
L-1998-3 Borrower Loan Status and Refinancing and Forms
L-1998-2 Judgments Secured Against Borrowers
L-1998-1 Administrative Forbearance and Audits
L-1997-9 Interest Rate
L-1997-8 Repurchase and Claims and Supplemental Claims
L-1997-7 Borrower Loan Status
L-1997-6 Interest Rate
L-1997-5 Insurance Auth. Allocations; Lender Contracts
L-1997-4 Interest Rate
L-1997-3 Insurance Auth. Allocations; Lender & Disciplines
L-1997-2 Premium Rates – School and Borrower
L-1997-1 Interest Rate
L-1996-16 Interest Rate
L-1996-15 Electronic Funds Transfer
L-1996-14 Interest Rate
L-1996-13 Insurance Authority Allocations
L-1996-12 Uninsured Loans and Skip Tracing and Forms
L-1996-11 Not Published
L-1996-10 Forbearance – Request Beyond 2 Years
L-1996-9 Interest Rate
L-1996-8 Disability – Total and Permanent
L-1996-7 Continuing Borrower Certification
L-1996-6 Insurance Authority Allocations
L-1996-5 Continuing Borrower; Definition
L-1996-4 Interest Rate
L-1996-3 Applicat. & Disbursement; Multiple Disbursements
L-1996-2 Termination of Schools
L-1996-1 Appropriations and Operations; Legislation
L-1995-19 Interest Rate
L-1995-18 Application for Students
L-1995-17 Litigation Tape Submission
L-1995-16 Interest Rate
L-1995-15 Resident Alien Card; Requirement Changes
L-1995-14 Disbursement – 75 Day Timelimit for Insuring
L-1995-13 Electronic Funds Transfer
L-1995-12 Premium Rates
L-1995-11 Refinancing & Reimbursement; Lender Verification
L-1995-10 Disability – Permanent and Total
L-1995-9 Interest Rate
L-1995-8 Insurance Authority Allocations
L-1995-7 Refinancing – Announcement
L-1995-6 Annual Workshop
L-1995-5 Interest Rate
L-1995-4 Electronic Funds Transfer
L-1995-3 Deferment Status and New Forms
L-1995-2 Judgments; Assignment and Registering
L-1995-1 Application and Manifest – Data Editing
L-1994-20 Forms – Beyond Expiration Data
L-1994-19 Creditworthy Criteria
L-1994-18 Borrower Loan Status
L-1994-17 Forbearance for Service with AmeriCorps
L-1994-16 Interest Rate
L-1994-15 Insurance Authority Allocations
L-1994-14 Performance Standard
L-1994-13 Deferment Form Revision
L-1994-12 Refinancing; HEAL-To-HEAL Consolidation
L-1994-11 Insurance Authority Allocations
L-1994-10 Interest Rate
L-1994-9 Refinancing Process
L-1994-8 Refinancing and Borrower Loan Status
L-1994-7 Deferment and Extended Forbearance
L-1994-6 Refinancing
L-1994-5 Regulatory Amendments
L-1994-4 Interest Rate
L-1994-3 Refinancing Announcement
L-1994-2 Forbearance – Disaster Relief
L-1994-1 Interest Rate
L-1993-18 Insurance Authority Allocations
L-1993-17 Income Contingent Repayment
L-1993-16 Workshops; Technical Assistance
L-1993-15 Co-Signers
L-1993-14 Refinancing; HEAL-To-HEAL Consolidation
L-1993-13 Forbearance; Flood of 1993 in Midwest
L-1993-12 Legislative Amendments
L-1993-11 Application Form Beyond Expiration Date
L-1993-10 Deferment; One Year for Chiropractic Graduates
L-1993-9 School Default Rates
L-1993-8 Application & Manifest Editing Criteria
L-1993-7 Schools – Termination
L-1993-6 Creditworthiness of Cosigner
L-1993-5 Workshop; Technical Assistance
L-1993-4 Legislation and Insurance Authority Allocation
L-1993-3 Forms
L-1993-2 Low Balance Claims
L-1993-1 Legislative Amendments
L-1992-9 Forbearance; Hurricane Destruction
L-1992-8 Skip Tracing & Unable to Serve; Read Documents
L-1992-7 Forbearance; Civil Disturbances
L-1992-6 Disbursement Cancellations and Voids
L-1992-5 Application & Manifest Editing Criteria
L-1992-4 Insurance Premium Checks
L-1992-3 Workshop; Technical Assistance
L-1992-2 Workshop; Technical Assistance
L-1992-1 Legislation and Insurance Authority Allocation
L-1991-5 Proof of Claim and Transfer of Ownership
L-1991-4 Chapter 7 Procedures
L-1991-3 Multiple Disbursements of HEAL Loans
L-1991-2 Not Published
L-1991-1 Borrowing Limits
L-1990-8 Workshop; Technical Assistance
L-1990-7 Forbearance for Reservists Called to Active Duty
L-1990-6 Application Correction
L-1990-5 Submission of Claims with Judgment
L-1990-4 Application Revised
L-1990-3 Travel Costs Reimbursement
L-1990-2 Application Extension
L-1990-1 Correction to Application & Disbursement
L-1989-16 Application Extension
L-1989-15 Resident Alien Card Changes
L-1989-14 Workshop; Technical Assistance
L-1989-13 Bankruptcy Filing Procedures
L-1989-12 Summary of HEAL Program Review Findings
L-1989-11 Litigation Clarification Requirements
L-1989-10 Fair Debt Collection Act; Applicability
L-1989-9 Late Fee Charges
L-1989-8 Clarification of Litigation Requirements
L-1989-7 Application & Disbursement Processing
L-1989-6 Schools; Institutional Eligibility List
L-1989-5 Report on Loans Outstanding (HRSA 512)
L-1989-4 Default and Bankruptcy Procedures
L-1989-3 Not Published
L-1989-2 Audit
L-1989-1 Borrow Loan Status
L-1988-22 Defaulter Survey
L-1988-21 Not Published
L-1988-20 Application
L-1988-19 Biennial Audit of HEAL Program
L-1988-18 HEAL Update Workshop
L-1988-17 Public Law Amendments
L-1988-16 Not Published
L-1988-15 Reauthorization of HEAL Program
L-1988-14 HEAL Forms Extension
L-1988-13 Authorization
L-1988-12 Manifest Revision Form
L-1988-11 Not Published
L-1988-10 Follow-Up Questions From Conference
L-1988-9 Audit and Litigation; NPRM
L-1988-8 HEAL Forms Extension
L-1988-7 Litigation in Local Courts
L-1988-6 Not Published
L-1988-5 Audit Guidelines Dissemination
L-1988-4 Assignment of Judgment
L-1988-3 Graduated Repayment
L-1988-2 Temporary Alien Status Card
L-1988-1 Combined Payment Plan Instructions
09/15/87 Completing the HEAL Student Application
L-1987-5 Late Conversion to Repayment Status
L-1987-4 Combined Payment Plan
L-1987-3 Borrower Loan Status and Skip Tracing
L-1987-2 Pre Claims Assistance
L-1987-1 Alien Card Amendment

Before Fiscal Year 1987
07/15/85 School Standard Budgets
04/17/84 HEAL Graduates between 4/84-6/84; Exit Interview
02/09/84 Restrictions of Loans after Graduation
02/04/83 Pro-Rating of HEAL Loans
08/10/82 Medical Student Borrowers
11/06/81 Requirements for Resident Aliens
05/22/81 Application Deadline for HEAL
05/20/80 Reporting of Net Cost on Application
05/13/80 Interest Charged on Paid-In-Full Loans
03/26/80 Borrower Loan Status Deferment Form
01/21/80 Ineligible Dental Students in Advanced Courses
08/22/79 Revision to Reporting 'APR' on Promissory Notes
08/22/79 Allowable Deferment for Nonstudent Borrowers
07/01/79 Equivalent Degrees for Pharmacy
05/21/79 Right to Financial Privacy Right Act of 1978
05/14/79 Reporting 'APR' on Promissory Notes
03/19/79 Ineligibility of Fifth Pathway Students
03/15/79 Incorrect Use of School Code Numbers
10/24/78 School Identification Numbers
06/22/78 HEAL Regulations



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