Inside HRSA, March 2008 - Health Resources and Services Administration
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"Challenge" Urges Feds to Engage in Daily Physical Activity

HRSA employees with a rope, playing tug-of-war.

A cute picture - a HRSA employee being kissed by a dolphin.

HRSA employees playing volleyball.

A HRSA employee playing basketball.


Federal employees and retirees are being urged to lead more active lives by enrolling in the HealthierFeds Physical Activity Challenge, which begins March 20 and lasts until May 15. Registration for the voluntary Challenge began March 1 and continues until April 3.

The Challenge wants employees to make daily exercise a routine part of their lives, since research shows that increasing physical activity improves health and overall well-being.

Challenge participants will seek to boost physical activity to a minimum of 30 minutes a day – 60 minutes is preferred – by recording their daily exercise in a personal online activity log. Individuals who join the Challenge may already be engaged in one of more than 100 qualifying physical activities, which range from playing sports to housework, working in the garden, and walking the dog.

Participants can place themselves into two categories:

Active Lifestyle — for those just getting started and who engage in less than 30 minutes of activity a day, 5 times a week. This part of the Challenge shows participants how to make a commitment to staying active and stick to it. Participants follow simple rules and are encouraged to set realistic goals to encourage fitness for a lifetime.

Presidential Champions — for those who are already active and want a new challenge. Participants will be challenged to raise activity levels, with a special option for performance athletes and others who train at more advanced levels.

The Challenge is one element of President Bush’s HealthierUS Initiative, which promotes four “pillars” of good health:

  • Physical Activity: be physically active every day;
  • Nutrition: eat a nutritious diet;
  • Prevention: get preventive screenings; and
  • Healthy Choices: avoid risky behavior.

HRSA’s Healthcare Systems Bureau kicked off their participation on March 17 with a St. Patrick’s Day-themed celebration that offered employees healthy green treats and encouraged them to get active and register as teams for the Challenge.

A February 28 HRSA broadcast email to all employees explains how to register for the Challenge. For additional help in registering, call Ellie Bowman at 301-443-9362.


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