1. Complaints of Discrimination Filed
    1. Number of Complaints Filed: 24
    2. Number of Individuals Filing Complaints: 24
    3. Number of Individuals Filing Two or More Complaints: 0
  2. Bases of Complaints Filed
    1. Race: 8
    2. Color: 4
    3. Religion: 2
    4. National Origin: 2
    5. Reprisal: 7
    6. Age: 9
    7. Disability: 7
    8. Non-EEO (Status as a Parent - 2): 2
    9. Sex: 9
      1. Equal Pay Act: 0
      2. Pregnancy Discrimination Act: 0
  3. Issues of Complaints Filed
    1. Assignment of Duties: 2
    2. Awards: 1
    3. Evaluation/Appraisal: 7
    4. Harassment (Sexual): 1
    5. Harassment (Non-sexual): 5
    6. Medical Examination : 0
    7. Promotion/Non-selection: 10
    8. Reassignment (Denied): 0
    9. Reassignment (Directed): 5
    10. Training: 0
    11. Terms and Conditions of Employment: 2
    12. Time and Attendance: 1
    13. Disciplinary Action (Suspension): 3
    14. Removal: 0
    15. Other (None): 3
  4. Average Complaints Processing Time to Completion (In days)i
    1. All Investigations: 484
      1. Completed and Hearing Not Requested: 485
      2. Completed and Hearing Requested: 483
    2. Final Actions by Agency: 211
      1. Processing Time Without a Hearing/FAD: 242
      2. Processing Time With a Hearing/Final Order: 40
  5. Dismissals
    1. Number of Dismissals: 10
    2. Average Days Pending At the Time of Dismissal: 124 days
  6. Withdrawals
    1. Number of Complaints Withdrawn by Complainants: 2
  7. Findings of Discrimination
    1. Findings Rendered with a Hearing
      1. Number of Findings: 0
      2. Percentage of Findings:
    2. Findings Rendered without a Hearing
      1. Number of Findings: 0
      2. Percentage of Findings:
    3. Issues of Findings of Discrimination
      1. Number of Issues: 0
      2. Percentage of Issues:
      3. Number of Issues Involving a Hearing: 0
      4. Percentage of Issues Involving a Hearing:
    4. Bases of Findings of Discrimination
      1. Number of Bases: 0
      2. Percentage of Bases:
      3. Number of Bases Involving a Hearing: 0
      4. Percentage of Bases Involving a Hearing:
  8. Pending Complaints Carried Over From Previous FYs
    1. Number of Complaints Pending Any Length of Time This FY Carried Over From Previous FYs: 41
      1. Number of Individuals Filing These Complaints: 36
      2. Number of These Complaints Currently Pending: 21
    2. Status of These Cases
      1. Investigation: 1
      2. Final Agency Action: 0
      3. Hearing: 12
      4. Appeal: 8
  9. Complaints Pending Any Length of Time This Fiscal Year Not Investigated Within 180 Days (plus any authorized extensions): 3

iImprovements made in the EEO complaints process resulted in a decrease in the average days taken to investigate a complaint. A backlog of 23 investigations from FY04 and FY05 was cleared-up and a 51% reduction in average processing time (230 days) was achieved for cases filed and completed by Agency personnel in FY06. In FY07, the EEOD Directorate completed in-house investigations with an average processing time of 276 days.