1. Complaints of Discrimination Filed

    1. Number of Complaints Filed: 32
    2. Number of Individuals Filing Complaints: 32
    3. Number of Individuals Filing Two or More Complaints: 0

  2. Bases of Complaints Filed

    1. Age: 19
    2. Color: 2
    3. Disability: 6
    4. National Origin: 6
    5. Non-EEO: 0
    6. Race: 12
    7. Religion: 2
    8. Reprisal: 16
    9. Sex: 16
      1. Equal Pay Act: 2
      2. Pregnancy Discrimination Act: 1

  3. Issues of Complaints Filed

    1. Evaluation/Appraisal: 4
    2. Harassment (Non-sexual): 10
    3. Medical Examination : 1
    4. Promotion/Non-selection: 18
    5. Reassignment
      1. Denied: 1
      2. Directed: 1
    6. Training: 1
    7. Terms and Conditions of Employment: 1
    8. Time and Attendance: 1
    9. Disciplinary Action (suspension): 1
    10. Other: 1 (unhealthy working environment)

  4. Average Processing Time for Complaints Pending Any Length of Time in FY05

    1. All Investigations: 330 days

      1. Investigations Completed and Hearing Not Requested: 348.2 days
      2. Investigations Completed and Hearing Requested: 293.7 days

    2. Final Actions by Agency: 119.5 days

      1. Final Actions Without a Hearing: 133.3 days
      2. Final Actions With a Hearing: 88 days

  5. Dismissals

    1. Number of Dismissals: 5
    2. Average Days Pending At the Time of Dismissal: 181.8 days

  6. Findings of Discrimination

    1. Findings Rendered with a Hearing

      1. Number of Findings: 0
      2. Percentage of Findings: 0

    2. Findings Rendered without a Hearing

      1. Number of Findings: 1
      2. Percentage of Findings: 100%

    3. Issues of Findings of Discrimination

      1. Number of Issues: 1 (Reassignment - Denied)
      2. Percentage of Issues: 100%
      3. Number of Issues Involving a Hearing: 0
      4. Percentage of Issues Involving a Hearing: 0

    4. Bases of Findings of Discrimination

      1. Number of Bases: 1 (Disability)
      2. Percentage of Bases: 100%
      3. Number of Bases Involving a Hearing: 0
      4. Percentage of Bases Involving a Hearing: 0

  7. Number of Pending Complaints

    1. Number of Complaints Pending Any Length of Time in FY05: 56

      1. Number of Individuals Filing These Complaints: 54
      2. Number of These Complaints Filed in Previous Fiscal Years: 27

    2. Number of Complaints Currently Pending: 41

      1. Number of Individuals Filing These Complaints: 40
      2. Number of These Complaints Filed in Previous Fiscal Years: 15
      3. Stage Pending
        1. Investigation: 28
        2. Final Agency Action: 4
        3. Hearing: 51
        4. Appeal: 3

  8. Number of Complaints Pending Any Length of Time in FY05 That Were Not Investigated within 180 days (plus any authorized extensions): 192


1 There are actually six cases pending at this stage; however, two of them have been consolidated at the hearing stage, to form one joint processing unit. Therefore, the total number of cases pending at the hearing stage is five.
2 During FY03 and FY04 the Office of Discrimination Complaints was understaffed and several cases extended beyond the due dates, which resulted in longer processing times for cases being investigated and awaiting investigation in FY05. The office has implemented new practices and procedures to improve case processing time.