1. Complaints of Discrimination Filed

    1. Number of Complaints Filed: 23
    2. Number of Individuals Filing Complaints: 22
    3. Number of Individuals Filing Two or More Complaints: 1

  2. Bases of Complaints Filed

    1. Race: 4
    2. Color: 1
    3. Religion: 0
    4. Reprisal: 7
    5. Sex: 10
    6. National Origin: 3
    7. Equal Pay Act: 0
    8. Age: 6
    9. Disability: 3
    10. Non-EEO: 0

  3. Issues of Complaints Filed

    1. Disciplinary Action/Suspension: 2
    2. Disciplinary Action/Other: 3
    3. Harassment/Non-sexual: 4
    4. Harassment/Sexual: 2
    5. Medical Examination: 2
    6. Promotion/Non-selection: 13
    7. Reassignment/Directed: 5
    8. Terms and Conditions of Employment: 2
    9. Training: 3

  4. Average Processing Time

    1. Investigations: 238.3 days
    2. Final Actions with a Hearing: 468.5 days1
    3. Final Actions without a Hearing: 438.5 days2

  5. Dismissals

    1. Number of Dismissals: 4
    2. Average Days Pending At the Time of Dismissal: 209 days

  6. Findings of Discrimination

    1. Findings Rendered with a Hearing

      1. Number of Findings: 0
      2. Percentage of Findings: 0

    2. Findings Rendered without a Hearing

      1. Number of Findings: 0
      2. Percentage of Findings: 0

    3. Issues of Findings of Discrimination

      1. Number of Issues: 0
      2. Percentage of Issues: 0
      3. Number of Issues Involving a Hearing: 0
      4. Percentage of Issues Involving a Hearing: 0

    4. Bases of Findings of Discrimination

      1. Number of Bases: 0
      2. Percentage of Bases: 0
      3. Number of Bases Involving a Hearing: 0
      4. Percentage of Bases Involving a Hearing: 0

  7. Number of Pending Complaints Filed in Prior Fiscal Years 3

    1. Number of Complaints Pending: 26
    2. Number of Individuals Filing These Complaints: not available
    3. Number Pending Investigation: 12
    4. Number Pending Final Agency Action: 9
    5. Number Pending Hearing: 5
    6. Number Pending Appeal:

  8. Number of Pending Complaints Not Completed within 180 days (plus any authorized extensions): 0


1This number includes the investigation processing time for cases in which the complainant elected a hearing before an Administrative Judge (AJ).

2This number includes the investigation processing time for cases in which the complainant did not elect a hearing before an AJ.

3Please note that the information provided in this section represents the total number of cases pending at the end of the current year (FY02). We are unable to determine the number of cases pending from prior fiscal years. The information that was available was collected from the Annual EEOC 462 report, which does not track cases in the appeal stage. Therefore, the number of cases pending in the appeal stage is not available.