Publication Number: 4048

Report Title: Monitoring of U.S. Imports of Tomatoes

Investigation Number: 332-350

Author's name(s): Brendan Lynch, Timothy McCarty

Date Published: November 2008

Report Description/Introductory Text: The quantity of fresh-market tomatoes consumed in the United States increased during the 2003–07 period, although the value of consumption fell significantly from 2006 to 2007 due to a significant decline in U.S. production value. Imports have risen steadily in quantity since 2004 and accounted for 41 percent of consumption quantity in 2007. The ratio of imports to consumption was variable throughout the period, but trended upward since 2005. U.S. export quantities rebounded in 2007 after two years of decline, but exports still remain small relative to production and consumption. Imports of fresh-market tomatoes from Mexico, historically the largest supplier to the U.S. market, have continued to rise at the expense of both U.S. production and imports from other suppliers, such as the Netherlands. Among the United States, Mexico, and Canada, growth in trade has occurred for greenhouse-grown tomatoes and grape tomatoes, but has declined for cherry and other field-grown tomatoes. The bulk of imports from Mexico, the largest supplier, continue to enter the United States principally through Nogales, Arizona; the bulk of imports from Canada enter principally through border crossings in Ontario and British Columbia. The U.S. harvested area of fresh-market tomatoes trended downward during the 2003–07 period, with the largest decline occurring in Florida. During 2003–06, the unit value of fresh-market production rose steadily before declining in 2007. U.S. production of processed tomatoes was variable between 2003–2007, ranging from 8.9 million metric tons to 11.5 million metric tons. U.S. imports of processed tomatoes increased between 2003–2007, while exports remained stable during the period.

Topics Covered: NAFTA, processed tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, greenhouse tomatoes, Roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes

Countries: Mexico, Canada, Netherlands

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