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Safety Training and Resources

The Mag Lab has a comprehensive set of safety programs designed to ensure the safest possible conditions for faculty, staff, users and visitors. Our training slideshows provide visiting scientists and staff with an introduction to our Environmental Health and Safety Program and the hazards encountered at the laboratory. For more information, visit our Online Learning System.

Additional hazards may exist in the laboratory that have not been discussed in these training courses. It is important to analyze every task we perform to identify potential safety hazards before they cause an accident or injury. The laboratory and FSU have EHS professionals available to provide technical assistance and answer your health and safety questions. You should use these resources whenever there is a question about the safety of a specific activity, or when you need a second opinion to confirm your evaluation of the hazards. Please remember: The first and foremost person responsible for your health and safety while working at the Mag Lab is you!

For more information contact Environmental Health and Safety Manager Angela Sutton at or (850) 644-6955.

Computer Support Group

This group maintains a local area network of desktop computers, workstations, servers and printers. The network backbone supports 1000 Mbps Ethernet over fiber optic cabling, with switched 100 Mbps to individual offices. All computer and network equipment used at the Lab, including computers that belong to visiting researchers, is supported by in-house staff. The network and key servers are monitored 24/7 for proper operation. Appropriate computer and network security measures are in place to protect data integrity.

For more information contact group manager Pete Jensen at or (850) 644-7808.

Control Room

This group consists of specialized technicians who keep tabs on every inch of wire, every elbow of plumbing and every temperature reading and field measurement. Operators monitor magnet performance with multiple computer systems and make adjustments as needed. The brains of the DC operation, the control room is where the data comes in and where many of the day-to-day operational decisions are made. Read more about their work in our Magnet Academy.

For more information contact magnet operations manager Bryon Dalton at or (850) 644-1907.

Cryogenics Operations

This group manages the cryogenic processing and distribution of liquid helium at the lab, utilizing a fleet of more than 40 portable dewars. The group is also responsible for the overall operation of the 45 tesla hybrid magnet, including maintenance of the supporting closed-loop cryogenic systems. Operators are on-call 24/7 to assist users and maintain operation of the hybrid's superconducting magnet at 1.6 Kelvin. The group also manages the recovery of helium gas used throughout the lab, including the re-purification of the gas. To place an order for liquid helium, please complete the online Liquid Helium Dewar Request form. Read more about cryogenics in our Magnet Academy.

For more information contact group manager John Pucci at or (850) 644-8517. For emergencies, our on-call pager number is 850-657-0032.

Electronics Shop

This shop is 600 square feet and is staffed by a senior electronics engineer, an electronics engineer and a senior electronics technician. They specialize in the repair of electronic instruments and the design of new instruments, supporting all the user programs of the laboratory. They build special items for researchers, such as amplifiers and current sources, and help maintain, repair and improve facility equipment, such as the power supplies – rectifiers, capacitors, etc. – helium liquefiers and associated control systems.

For more information contact shop manager Andy Powell at or (850) 644-1054.

Facilities Department

This department consists of several mechanical technicians, electricians, supervisors, and other engineers and support staff members. The department is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the building – inside and out – and oversees building upgrades and renovations, including a recent $7.5 million infrastructure upgrade.

For more information contact department supervisor John Kynoch at or (850) 644-8965.

Instrument Shop

This shop is the linchpin between the magnet and the user. The highly skilled and specialized technicians design, build and fix custom sample holders, probes, connector cables, vacuum fittings, rotators and more. They also repair, test and maintain the lab's cryogenic equipment. The shop also functions like a very specialized general store for scientists. Users often travel from overseas and have just 5 to 7 days of magnet time; instrument shop staff makes sure users have the equipment they need to collect good data.

For more information contact shop manager Bobby Joe Pullum at or (850) 644-3056.

Machine and Welding Shops

These shops cover 5,300 square feet and are staffed by an engineer, an instrument maker, and several senior machinists and senior welders. The machinists use sophisticated design and engineering software together with a wide array of machinery to create hundreds of high-end, custom parts for magnets, instruments, probes and more. Equipment includes manual tool room machinery, CNC lathes, mills and a six-axis wire EDM. Read more about their work in our Magnet Academy.

For more information contact shop manager Vaughan Williams at or (850) 644-3249.

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Email: Magnet Lab Webmaster