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Climate Workshop Agenda

Impact of Climate Change on the Great Lakes Ecosystem - A NOAA Science Needs Assessment Workshop to Meet Emerging Challenges

July 29 - 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 - Current state of scientific knowledge of present and expected future impact of climate change on the Great Lakes ecosystem, with prime focus on effects in coastal waters and connecting channels
8:00 AM Check-in / Continental Breakfast SNRE Commons
8:30 AM Introduction / Welcome - Dr. Stephen B. Brandt, Director NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL)
Note: All July 29th and 30th presentations and panels will be held in Rm. 1040 Dana Building, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan Central Campus, Ann Arbor, MI
8:45 AM Science Panel #1: Physical Environment - Seasonal Warming/Cooling, Vertical Temperature Profiles and Ice Extent/Duration
Session Chair – Dr. Jia Wang, Ice Climatologist, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
8:45 AM Dr. Xuezhi Bai, Research Investigator, University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment / Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, Interannual Variability of Lake Ice and Internal Climate Teleconnection Patterns (Co-Author: Wang, J.)
9:00 AM Dr. Eric Anderson, National Research Council Post Doctoral Fellow, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Hydrodynamic Modeling and Forecasting in the Great Lakes (Co-Authors: Schwab, D.J, Holtschlag, D.J and G.A.Lang)
9:15 AM Dr. Jia Wang, Ice Climatologist, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Projections of the Great Lakes Climate in the 21st Century and Coupled Lake-Ice Modeling
9:45 AM Break
10:00 AM Science Panel #2: Water Quantity – Lake Levels and Flows in Connecting Channels
Session Chair – Ms. Cynthia Sellinger, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
10:00 AM Dr. Thomas E. Croley II, Senior Research Hydrologist, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory - Great Lakes Sensitivity to Paleo Climate Change
10:15 AM Ms. Cynthia Sellinger, Hydrologist, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory - The Rise and the Fall of Great Lakes Water Levels
10:30 AM Dr. Brent Lofgren, Physical Scientist, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory - Modeling to Address Open Questions on the Future of Great Lakes Climate
10:45 AM Q&A / Discussion
11:00AM Science Panel #3: Watershed Hydrology
Session Chair – Dr. Carlo DeMarchi, Research Investigator, Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research
11:00 AM Dr. Norman Grannemann, U.S. Geological Survey, Great Lakes Program Coordinator, Changes in Ground Water Conditions from Possible Changes in Climatic Conditions in the Great Lakes Basin
11:15 AM Dr. Veronica Webster Griffis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Flood Frequency and Other Surface Water Phenomena
11:30 AM Dr. Chansheng He, Department of Geography, Western Michigan University, Climate Change and Non-Point Source Pollution in the Great Lakes Basin: Opportunities and Challenges (Co-Authors: Croley, T.E. II and C. DeMarchi)
12:00 PM Lunch – Catered buffet SNRE Commons
1:00 PM Science Panel #4: Water Quality and Human Health
Session Chair – Ms. Sonia Joseph, Outreach Coordinator, Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health / Michigan Sea Grant
1:00 PM Dr. Michael Murray, Staff Scientist, National Wildlife Federation, Great Lakes Natural Resources Office, Climate Change, Water Quality and Human Health: Some Research and Policy Questions
1:15 PM Dr. Donna Kashian, Research Investigator, Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research Climate-induced Changes in Organic Material Influences Contaminant Exposure in Aquatic Systems
1:30 PM Dr. Carlo DeMarchi, Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Pathogen and Pesticide Contamination of Coastal Water (Co-Authors: Croley, T.E II, Hunter, T.S. and H. Chansheng)
2:00 PM Science Panel #5: Fish Recruitment and Productivity
Session Chair – Dr. Doran Mason, Research Ecologist, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
2:00 PM Dr. Edward S. Rutherford, Associate Research Scientist, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Impact of Climate Change on Salmon Recruitment in the Great Lakes
2:15 PM Dr. Henry Vanderploeg, Research Ecologist, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Climate Change, Physical-Biological Coupling, and the Resource Mismatch Hypothesis for Plankton and Fish (Co-Authors: Cavaletto, J.F., Liebig, J.R., Ludsin, S.A., and Madenjian, C.P.)
2:30 PM Dr. Doran Mason, Research Ecologist, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Climate change: Implications for Fish Growth Performance in the Great Lakes (Co-authors: Brandt, S.B, McCormick, M.J., Lofgren, B., Hunter T. and J.A.Tyler)
3:00 PM Break
3:15 PM Science Panel #6: Aquatic Invasive Species
Session Chair – Dr. Rochelle Sturtevant, Great Lakes Regional Extension Educator, Michigan Sea Grant
3:15 PM Dr. Cindy Kolar, Assistant Program Coordinator, Invasive Species Program U.S. Geological Survey USGS Research on Invasive Species and Climate Change in the Great Lakes
3:30 PM Dr. Henry Vanderploeg, Research Ecologist, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Surprising Synergies Between Invasive Species and Climate Impacts (Co-Authors: Pothoven, S.A., Fahnenstiel, G.L. and Nalepa, T.F.)
3:45 PM Dr. J. Michael Campbell, Department of Biology, Mercyhurst College, Can Climate Change Make the Aquatic Invasive Species Problems in the Great Lakes Any Worse Than They Already Have Been?
4:15 PM Closing remarks and announcements
5:00 PM Public Keynote Address, 1800 Chemistry Building – Dr. Henry N. Pollack, Professor of Geophysics, Department of Geology, University of Michigan, Hockey Sticks and Politics: Science in the Arena of National Climate Policy
6:00 – 8:00 PM Reception – SNRE Commons
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - Key stakeholder issues and concerns in confronting anticipated impacts of climate change on the Great Lakes ecosystem - meeting new challenges in use, management, protection and restoration of resources.
8:00 AM Continental Breakfast, SNRE Commons
8:30 AM Morning Welcome - Dr. Stephen B. Brandt, Director NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL)
8:45 AM Dr. Rosina M.Bierbaum, Dean, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan Climate Change: From Science to Solutions
9:45 AM Break
10:00 AM Stakeholder Panel #1: Recreation and Tourism
Moderator: Ms. Melinda Huntley, Ohio Sea Grant
10:00 AM Mr. Andrew Struck, Director of Planning and Parks, Ozaukee County Planning and Parks Department, Port Washington, WI, Ozaukee County, A Coastal Community Case Study: Potential Impacts on Water-based Recreation and Tourism
10:15 AM Dr. John Coluccy, Manager of Conservation Planning, Ducks Unlimited Inc., Conserving Waterfowl and Wetlands in the Great Lakes Amid Climate Change
10:30 AM Ms. Rachel McNinch, Center for Water Sciences, Michigan State University, Climate Change and Water Safety in the Great Lakes
11:00 AM Stakeholder Panel #4: Land Use and Coastal Zone Managers
Moderator: Mr. Frank Lichtkoppler
11:15 AM Ms. Catherine Ballard, Chief, Michigan Coastal Zone Management Program Coastal Management Considerations in Adapting to Climate Change; Preparing for a Climate-Resilient Coast
11:30 AM Ms. Sandra Kosek-Sills, Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program Coordinator, Office of Coastal Management, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Climate Change Challenges for Coastal Management in Ohio
11:45 AM Dr. James Hurley, Assistant Director for Research and Outreach, Wisconsin Sea Grant, Sea Grant Planning and the Sustainable Coastal Development Focus Area: Implications from Climate Change
12:00 PM Lunch – Catered buffet, SNRE Commons
1:00PM Stakeholder Panel #2: Commercial and Municipal Water Users
Moderator: Ms. Sonia Joseph, Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health
1:00 PM Mr. Jon Bloemker, District Supervisor, Saginaw District Office, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Potential Climate Change Impacts to Industry and Municipal Water Users
1:15 PM Mr. Abed R. Houssari, Manager of Environmental Management and Resources, DTE Energy, Climate Change Challenges for Electrical Utilities
2:00 PM Stakeholder Panel #3: Regional, State, Tribal and Local Policymakers and Managers
Moderator: Ms. Barbara Liukkonen, Minnesota Sea Grant
2:00 PM Mr. Tim Eder, Executive Director, Great Lakes Commission, Climate Change Challenges and Opportunities: Perspectives of a Regional Organization
2:15 PM Mr. John Swanson , Executive Director, NW Indiana Regional Planning Commission, Planning for NW Indiana Shoreline Areas
2:30 PM Mr. Frank Lichtkoppler, Extension Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant, Potential Climate Impacts Affecting Fishery Stakeholders
3:00 PM Break
3:15 PM Dr. Thomas R. Karl, Director, NOAA National Climatic Data Center, Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate
4:00 PM Dr. Karl, Update on Present Status of a NOAA National Climate Service
4:15 PM Day 2 Closing Remarks and Announcements
4:30 PM Adjourn
Thursday, July 31, 2008
8:00 AM Continental Breakfast, SNRE Commons
8:30 AM Pre-Breakout Briefing/Announcements SNRE Rm. 1040, Ms. Sonia Joseph, Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health
9:00 AM Begin six concurrent Facilitated Breakout Sessions
1) Physical Environment - SNRE Rm.1028
Facilitator - Mr. Frank Lichtkoppler
Recorder – Mr. Ari Preston
2) Water Quantity – SNRE Rm.1024
Facilitator – Ms. Melinda Huntley
Recorder – Mr. Sean Bratton
3) Watershed Hydrology – SNRE Rm. Rm.1046
Facilitator - Ms. Leslie Dorworth
Recorder – Ms. Katie Coakley
4) Water Quality and Human Health – SNRE Rm.1040
Facilitator – Ms. Sonia Joseph
Recorder – Ms. Katie Bush
5) Fish Recruitment and Productivity – SNRE Rm.1064
Facilitator - Ms. Margaret Lansing
Recorder- Ms. Ann Marshall
6) Aquatic Invasive Species – SNRE Rm.1006
Facilitator - Dr. Rochelle Sturtevant
Recorder – Ms. Lynne Chaimowitz
10:30 AM Break
10:45 AM Continue six concurrent Facilitated Breakout Sessions
12:00 PM Buffet Lunch, SNRE Commons
1:00 PM Joint Summary Session, SNRE Rm. 1040 (Reports from six Breakouts and General Discussion) Ms. Sonia Joseph, Moderator
2:45 PM Closing Remarks
3:00 PM Adjourn