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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP) works with all affected interests—the public, the responsible party, and other trustee agencies—to restore coastal and marine resources. Successful restoration depends on good working relationships among the involved parties. These relationships are sometimes formalized into partnership projects or defined programs.

Environmental Conflict Resolution

Negotiating conflicts arising from environmental incidents involves a range of methods. Unlike traditional litigation, alternative negotiation - such as facilitation, mediation, and conflict assessment - allows stakeholders to reach agreement without judicial intervention. NOAA encourages you to learn about Environmental Conflict Resolution as a cost saving alternative to traditional conflict resolution.

NOAA Advising on Possible Department of the Interior Natural Resource Damage Statutory Reforms

The Department of Interior (DOI) has created the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Advisory Committee, in accordance with section 9(a) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) of 1972, to examine possible reforms to the department’s oversight of natural resource damage (NRD) provisions of several federal environmental laws. On May 24, 2005, Interior Secretary Gale Norton signed a charter establishing a Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) panel "provide advice and recommendations on issues related to [DOI’s] authorities, responsibilities and implementation of the natural resource damage provisions of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act [(CERCLA)], the Oil Pollution Act, and the Clean Water Act."

The DOI FACA committee includes up to 30 representatives from DOI, other federal trustees, industry, and national and local environmental groups. Two members of NOAA's NRDA program were appointed to share their expertise about NRD assessment and restoration practice issues.

Among the committee’s duties will be “to meet periodically to gather and analyze information, discuss assessment and restoration practice issues, and -- in an advisory capacity only -- to develop recommendations for achieving ecologically sound, timely, and cost effective restoration of natural resources injured by releases of hazardous substances or oil.”

The DOI FACA material can be reviewed by visiting:
