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CFO  Chief Financial Officer, CFO-TRVL

Interviewee Travel  Regulations


1. Scope

These regulations apply to the reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses incurred by interviewees.

These regulations do not apply to applicants who live within a 50-mile radius of Los Alamos based on the Rand McNally Standard Highway Mileage Guide.

2. Reimbursement

With the exception of airfare, interviewees will be reimbursed for travel expenses according to the Domestic Travel Regulations.

For interviewees, airfare reimbursement is limited to the lesser of the standard coach airfare or the actual amount paid. The lowest available airfare should be obtained based on the official business dates and locations. The reimbursement amount will be based on the most direct route available between the interviewee’s residence and the laboratory. Costs incurred over the lowest available fare will be the traveler’s responsibility.

At the request of the hiring organization, airline tickets may be provided to the traveler by the Reservations Team (CFO-TRVL).

An original airline passenger coupon or ticket confirmation is required for reimbursement.  All commercial travel between a foreign country and the US must be ISSUED by a US carrier as required by Public Law 96-192, the "Fly America Act".

3. Travel by Spouse  

With the prior approval of the sponsoring organization, the Laboratory will reimburse round-trip travel expenses incurred by the interviewee’s spouse if the interviewee is a candidate for an exempt position.


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