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Big Steel bemoans lack of "meaningful" infrastructure funds: AISI
The American Iron and Steel Institute expressed its disappointment Friday that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009 does not provide adequate funding for infrastructure programs. The...More...
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Analysis: Russia-Ukraine gas row
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Diesel moves to center stage for refiners
European Oil: 2008 in Review Diesel shared the steep climbs then precipitous falls of the rest of the oil complex in 2008, but the landmark transition for the driving fuel was its supplanting of gasoline as the defining component in the oil barrel.
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Obama inauguration could bring end to Russia gas halt: Russian MP
The gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine is unlikely to be resolved until Barack Obama is inaugurated as US President the week ending January 23, a senior Russian politician was reported as saying January 15.
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Platts Oilgram NewsEU switches focus to energy security in 2009
In light of the devastating impact of the cutoff of Russian natural gas supplies to the EU via Ukraine, the European Commission is shifting its focus in 2009 to energy security as it plans to introduce coordinated oil stock data and reduce its dependency on Russian gas supplies.

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