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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Alternative Dispute Resolution
A Resource Guide

Section V: ADR Training and Assistance Sources
PART II. Non-Federal Sources For ADR Training and Assistance

The following list is not exhaustive of the organizations and institutions available, nor does the list constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Colleges and Universities

COLUMBIA BUSINESS SCHOOL - Columbia University Executive Programs

Columbia University Executive Programs offers the following training program:

Managing Interpersonal and Group Dynamics
The ability to gain the confidence and support of subordinates and peers, as well as handle change, is critical for managers at all levels. Managing Interpersonal and Group Dynamics combines cutting-edge insight into communication, conflict resolution, negotiation and teamwork to increase personal performance.

This three-day program is designed for managers who want to perform more effectively in situations that require competence in interpersonal relations and the use of personal power. Managing Interpersonal and Group Dynamics focuses on the development of each participant, using 360-degree feedback and one-on-one coaching to assist in the development of an individual action plan to build on strengths and overcome weaknesses.

Exercises combined with a solid conceptual framework demonstrate effective interpersonal and group dynamics. Although this program is highly experiential, emphasis is also placed on understanding and applying theoretical analyses of interpersonal and group processes.

For additional information, contact Columbia Business School, Executive Education, 2880 Broadway, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10025. Telephone: (212) 854-3395; Fax (212)316-1473; Web site:

CORNELL UNIVERSITY - New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations

Training programs offered by the Cornell University's New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations include:

Problem-Solving for Mutual Gains
A 2-1/2-day workshop designed to teach the principles of mutual gains (also known as interest bargaining) as they are applied to decision making and problem-solving within organizations. In this workshop, participants are taught how to engage in side-by-side problem-solving rather than face-to-face confrontation. The concept represents a shift from traditional adversarial approaches where parties take strong positions and stick to them at all costs. It is especially appropriate for parties representing constituents with ifferent interests.

Interest Bargaining
Other titles: Mutual Gains Bargaining, Getting to Yes Bargaining, Principled Bargaining, Win/Win Bargaining. This is a 2-1/2-day program offered as an in-house program only. Shorter workshops are possible. This course recognizes that negotiation, or bargaining, presents parties with competitive realities as well as collaborative realities as well as collaborative opportunities. It presents a method of bargaining that enables the parties to make the most of collaborative opportunities while also handling the competitive aspects of negotiation in a fashion more likely to result in technically superior deals, constituent compliance and an improved relationship. The course is simulation-based, increasing the likelihood that participants will be able to apply the skills and information to post-training applications such as contract bargaining, grievance negotiations, consultative labor-management deliberations, and general interpersonal relationships.

Developing Effective Negotiation Skills
This workshop explores the fundamental principles of negotiation, effective and ineffective approaches, negotiation traps and pitfalls, preparing for negotiation situations, traditional v. interest based approaches, and using negotiation techniques for effective problem solving. Participants will develop a better understanding of the variety of negotiation approaches and skills as well as techniques for more effective negotiation. The use of role plays, simulations, and large and small group presentations will be utilized to provide participants with an active understanding and experience with negotiation concepts. This 3-day program can be customized for specific on-site audiences and needs.

Enhancing Conflict Resolution Skills
This 3-day workshop involves the study of human conflict and responses to it from the individual, group, and organizational levels of interaction. Conflict and conflict management will be evaluated through analysis and discussion of the causes of conflict, cultural/gender perspectives, conflict goals, styles and tactics of conflict involvement, the role of power in conflict, assessing conflict in individuals, groups, and organizations, effective intervention strategies and ADR models for conflict management. Participants are taught to assess conflict situations (interpersonal and group) and to gauge the appropriate type and level of response for productive management. Participants will gain a better understanding of their own conflict perspective and approaches. Individual and group exercises provide opportunities to actively employ the skills and techniques learned. This program can be customized for specific on-site audiences and needs.

Managing Conflict in the Workplace
This 3-day workshop focuses on interpersonal and group conflict as it applies to the workplace setting. Causes of workplace conflict will be discussed along with its impact on the organization and individuals exposed to it. The five major ways people engage in and respond to conflict will be presented and the effect each has in the workplace. The differences between interpersonal and group workplace conflict situations will be evaluated with techniques for assessment, intervention, and effective conflict management presented. Individual and group exercises are utilized throughout the workshop to demonstrate and apply the concepts presented. This program can be customized for specific on-site audiences and needs.

Effective Dispute Resolution Programs
This 1-day workshop provides participants with information on the broad spectrum of ADR processes that offer individuals, organizations, employers, and/or employees with private, timely, and inexpensive methods for managing interpersonal and group conflicts. It will present methods for assessing dispute resolution systems and selecting the one(s) most appropriate to the particular needs of those seeking to implement such a program. The workshop will provide participants with the principles of dispute resolution systems design and how to customize a program to their particular needs without compromising system integrity. Participants will also be provided with the information and skills needed for evaluating a dispute resolution program. This program can be customized for specific on-site audiences and needs and can be provided as an on-site consulting program.

Mediation Training
A 3-day workshop designed to train participants in mediation and the mediation process. It will present in-depth information on the development and use of mediation, the variety of mediation approaches including linear and non-linear, content and relationship, and multi-party, and the unique role and responsibility of the mediator. Participants will be trained in the most common mediation models and their respective process steps. Practice problems and ethical issues in mediation will be discussed and evaluated. Participants will work with various exercises to practice skills needed in specific stages of mediation and will also have the opportunity to experience mock mediations with debriefing after each. This program can be customized for specific on-site audiences and needs and can be expanded to meet more detailed or extensive training requirements.

Personal Mediation Skills
A 2 or 3-day workshop designed to teach the fundamental principles of mediation and the mediation process with the emphasis on how individuals can learn mediation approaches and skills and incorporate them in their personal daily interactions. Participants will learn the basic philosophy behind mediation, different mediation approaches and when to use them, effective mediation techniques to address problems, and how to engage another party in productive problem solving using mediation principles. The workshop will prepare participants to more effectively resolve problems for themselves as well as develop skills to increase their ability to effectively assist others in their organization, workplace, or personal relationships. This program can be customized for specific on-site audiences and needs.

Increasing Effectiveness in Arbitration
This 3-day workshop is designed for those participants who wish to improve their preparation for and participation in arbitration proceedings. The workshop focuses on the understanding of the arbitration process and case presentation. Practical skill aspects of arbitration will be developed including assessing both side's position and case, selection of an arbitrator, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses in a case, dealing with evidence, selecting and preparing witnesses, developing a theory of the case, opening and closing statements, briefs, and styles of case presentation. A mock arbitration hearing exercise will allow participants to apply workshop skills in a complete simulated case. This program can be customized in length and content for specific on-site audiences and needs.

For further information on Problem-Solving for Mutual Gains and Interest Bargaining, contact Ann Martin, Associate Dean of Extension and Public Service, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-3901. Telephone: (607) 255-2773; FAX: (607) 255-0574.

For further information on Developing Effective Negotiation Skills, Enhancing Conflict Resolution Skills, Managing Conflict in the Workplace, Effective Dispute Resolution Programs, Mediation Training, Personal Mediation Skills, and Increasing Effectiveness in Arbitration, contact Stephen P. LaLonde, Director, Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs, Rochester District, Cornell-ILR, Powers Building, Suite 243, 16 W. Main Street, Rochester, NY 14614-1601. Telephone: (716) 262-4440; FAX: (716) 262-3715.

GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY - Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution

The Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) offers a full graduate degree program in the field of Conflict Resolution. ICAR initiated the Master of Science in Conflict Resolution in 1981-82 and its Doctoral Program in Conflict Resolution in 1988-89. ICAR faculty provide consultation and training in conflict analysis and resolution, negotiations and mediation to businesses, corporations, governmental and non-governmental agencies and their staffs, including to the United Nations and the State Department, and to academic institutions worldwide.

For information about ICAR's degree programs, contact the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444. Telephone: (703) 993-1310; FAX: (703) 993-1300; Web site:


The Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School offers a variety of opportunities for graduate students and professionals interested in developing a special expertise in negotiation and dispute resolution. Each year, the PON offers two semester-length courses: A Seminar on Negotiation and Dispute Resolution during the fall; and Mediation and Other Facilitative Roles in Dispute Resolution during the spring. In addition, the PON offers an extensive array of short training programs through its executive education division. Another important function of PON is "The Clearinghouse," which distributes instructional materials, books, and videotapes on many aspects of ADR. Among these is the annually updated Dispute Resolution Directory, a guide to courses and training programs in the greater Boston Area.

For more information about these semester-long courses, contact the Program on Negotiation, 513 Pound Hall, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA 02318. Telephone: (617) 495-1684 ext 514; FAX: (617) 495-7818. Information is also available at the PON web site:

For more information about xecutive education training programs, contact the Center for Management Research of Wellesley, Massachusetts. Telephone: (781) 239-1111.

UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON, A.A. White Dispute Resolution Institute

One of the training programs offered by the University of Houston's A.A. White Dispute Resolution Institute is Basic Mediation Training. This forty-hour training program introduces participants to mediation as a method to resolve conflict through the use of lectures, discussion, role plays, and individual videotaped sessions, teaches the skills of mediation.

The A.A. White Dispute Resolution Institute, Inc. is a sec. 501(c)(3), non-profit corporation whose purposes are charitable, educational, and civic. The Institute was organized to foster public awareness and understanding of conflicts and conflict resolution and the impact of interpersonal disputes on society. The Institute also encourages broader understanding, development, and use of alternative means of dispute resolution. One important mission of the Institute is to study, analyze, and recommend dispute resolution procedures that will provide less costly and more expeditious access to justice. The Institute provides assistance to the courts in encouraging the early settlement of pending litigation. The Institute also provides assistance to educational institutions, including law schools, in the development and use of ADR concepts and procedures.

The Institute's by-laws specifically state it was created in order to "strive to reduce delay in the resolution of legal disputes through ADR; to reduce the cost of resolving legal disputes through ADR; to encourage the teaching of ADR procedures in schools." In addition, the Institute will assist any other organizations whose activities further, accomplish, foster, or attain any of these purposes.

For more information, contact Robyn Pietsch, University of Houston, 325 Melcher Hall, A.A. White Dispute Resolution Institute, College of Business Administration, Houston, TX 77204-6283. Telephone: (717) 743-4933; FAX: (713) 743-4934; Email:

Associations and Consulting Organizations

AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION - Section of Dispute Resolution (SDR)

The American Bar Association's Section of Dispute Resolution (SDR) maintains a resource center offering technical assistance, conducting studies, and disseminating information concerning multi-disciplinary dispute resolution. SDR encourages community and state and local bar activities in dispute resolution, develops educational programs for the bar and judiciary, and works to expand law school curricula in dispute settlement techniques. In addition, each spring the SDR convenes a national dispute resolution conference which provides a meeting place for dispute resolution leaders, providers, consumers and scholars.

For more information, contact the American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution, 740 - 15th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005. Telephone: (202) 662-1680; Email: dispute@ABANET.ORG.


Training programs offered by CDR Associates include:

The Mediation Process
This seminar presents a step-by-step approach to the mediating process and emphasizes the concepts, strategies, and skills effective in resolving conflicts. The seminar includes several simulated mediation exercises in which participants can practice skills learned in the seminar under the supervision of experienced mediators/coaches. This 5-day seminar is designed for anyone who wants to learn or develop mediation skills. Program content includes analyzing the causes of conflict and learning strategies to manage them; structuring the mediation process through a step-by-step problem-solving procedure; negotiating strategies that lead to joint problem solving; communicating effectively as a mediator (listening, framing, and reframing); handling strong emotions that interfere with problem solving; exercising power effectively; responding to ethical dilemmas that arise in mediation; and implementing a mediation program as a private practitioner or as part of an organization's problem-solving process.

Mediating Workplace Disputes
This 4-day seminar provides a step-by-step approach to mediation. Participants will engage in simulated mediation exercises under the supervision of trained coaches. The seminar emphasizes the mediation concepts, skills, and strategies necessary to resolve complex employee relations disputes. It is designed for human esource officers, managers, EEO specialists, and other staff, as well as representatives of labor-management councils, unions and other employee organizations. The content is applicable to business, ndustry, education, government agencies, community and religious organizations, and healthcare providers. Program content includes diagnosing and managing causes of conflict; identifying stereotypes and promoting an acceptance of differences; managing prejudice in mediation; negotiating successful solutions; communicating effectively as a dispute resolver; handling strong emotions, cultural differences and value disputes that interfere with problem solving; healing situations involving sexual harassment; responding to ethical dilemmas that arise in mediation; and implementing a mediation program within an organization.

Advanced Seminar for Experienced Mediators
This 3-day seminar offers a directed and highly interactive setting to discuss experiences and ways to apply mediation principles and techniques. This seminar emphasizes the skills and techniques for resolving complex case issues. Trainers and participants will provide "real life" cases for instructor demonstrations, participant role plays, and conceptual and skill-based strategy discussions. The course offers a more in-depth opportunity for participants to learn from their successes and failures. Program content includes assessing mediator styles (rights versus interest-based, direct versus indirect, and other approaches); using reframing and other communication skills; getting parties to raise conflict productively; developing strategies for managing power imbalances; managing difficult mediation challenges (values disputes, complex data, use of experts, managing external pressures, dealing with intractable conflicts); and analyzing the challenges of multiparty disputes.

In addition to CDR's Boulder-based Public Training Seminars, CDR conducts seminars at sites selected to suit the specific needs of individual companies or organizations. CDR also conducts "training-for-trainers" for agencies and corporations who wish to develop their capabilities internally to train employees and associates. Custom-designed seminars have been developed and conducted for clients such as the Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, among many others.

To obtain more information on CDR Associates course descriptions and services, contact CDR Associates, 100 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 12, Boulder, CO. Telephone: (303) 442-7367; Toll-free: 1-800-MEDIATE; FAX: (303) 442-7442; Email:, web site:


The Conflict Resolution Education Network (CREnet) is the successor organization to NIDR. It is the the nation's largest membership association dedicated to making conflict resolution education an integral part of the educational process in every school. It is devoted exclusively to promoting innovation, excellence and public information in the area of conflict resolution education. Member services include a quarterly publication, The Fourth R; extensive practical web-based resources and access to research and relevant news articles for educators and practitioners and; and an annual conference.

For additional information, contact CREnet, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036; Telephone: (202) 667-9700; Fax: (202) 667-8629; E-mail:; Web site:


Conflict Works has developed and implemented a unique approach to teaching conflict resolution skills to individuals and groups. Conflict Works conducts workshops to help people overcome their fear of conflict and train them to address and resolve conflict situations. It conducts workshops on employing effective conflict resolution skills in the workplace for directors, managers, human resource personnel and agency supervisors. Conflict Works is available to facilitate and mediate disputes in the workplace. It can also tailor workshops in the area of dispute resolution to the needs of the particular clients. Workshops include:

The Joy of Conflict: A Recipe for Resolving Disputes Creatively
This workshop is for individuals who are interested in moving from avoiding conflicts to resolving them. Through discussion, role-plays, interactive exercises and utilizing participants' real-life conflicts, participants will learn a method for overcoming their fear and transforming conflicts into opportunities. The workshop is 12-15 hours in length and is limited to 15 participants.

Group Dynamics: Turning Conflict to Opportunity in the Workplace
This workshop is for agency directors, human resource personnel, managers and supervisors interested in learning conflict resolution skills in a work setting. Using a participatory format including role plays, interactive exercises and discussion, participants will learn skills which can be used to either mediate disputes or to coach employees to resolve their disputes without outside intervention. The workshop is 12-15 hours in length and is limited to 30 participants.

Mediation 101: The Wave of the Future
This workshop is for agency directors, managers, human resource personnel, and supervisors interested in learning traditional mediation skills to be used in the workplace setting. This workshop will introduce participants to the mediation model and provide on the job experience with role plays, discussion and interactive exercises. The workshop is 16-20 hours in length and is limited to 15 participants.

For more information, contact Conflict Works, c/o of Oran Kaufman,190 University Drive, Amherst, MA 01002. Telephone: (413) 256-1575; Email:; FAX: (413) 256-1207; or Donna Jenson, 27 Laurel Hill Rd., Montague, MA 01351. Telephone: (413) 367-9661; FAX: (413) 367-9711.


The Cooperative Consortium for Dispute Resolution (CCDR), in conjunction with Florida Southern College and Accormend Associates, offers a five-day Mediation Training course designed to teach participants to apply sound mediation practices and principles while managing and resolving disputes. Additionally, CCDR provides a variety of customized ADR services to fit a particular situation, including problem-solving, factfinding, arbitration, and interest-based bargaining.

To obtain more information on the Cooperative Consortium for Dispute Resolution's course descriptions and services, contact CCDR/Accormend at Telephone: (301) 384-6557; FAX: (301) 384-3619; Email:


Training programs offered by the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. include:

Mediation Training
Intensive 40-hour training in interest-based mediation using a lecture, videotape, group activity and role play training format. Subjects covered include an overview of ADR, a six-stage mediation model, professional ethics and standards, and 14 specific mediator skills. It is designed for newcomers to mediation and those interested in enhancing their basic mediation skills. Although focused on business/consumer conflicts, the model is applicable to a wide variety of disputes.

Arbitration Training
Training is offered in both binding and conditionally binding arbitration. The binding training course is three days and the conditionally binding training is three and one half days. Both cover an overview of ADR; the arbitration process; factfinding skills; weighing evidence and writing decisions; and reasoning.

The conditionally binding training is focused primarily on auto manufacturer/consumer disputes and the binding training is more general. The training is designed for those with little or no arbitration experience.

The Council of Better Business Bureaus will also custom design training to address specific areas and applications of ADR.

For additional information, contact Annette Lee, Arbitrator Recruitment Coordinator, Dispute Resolution Division, Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc., 4200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22203-1804. Telephone: 1-800-334-2406 or (703) 276-0100; FAX: (703) 525-1794; Email:; Web site:


Training programs offered by FPMI Communications include:

Alternative Dispute Resolution
An overview of two important aspects of Executive Order 12871 including uses, limitations, and techniques of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR); applying ADR to common workplace problems; differences between interest-based bargaining (IBB) and traditional bargaining; identifying labor relations issues for IBB; and setting criteria for possible solutions and agreements.

Consensual Methods of Dispute Resolution
Participants are provided with an enhanced capacity to deal successfully with conflicts and disputes rather than letting them degenerate into grievances or official complaints. Includes an introduction to dispute resolution, anatomy of conflicts, principles of consensus decision making, elements of effective interpersonal communications, interest-based problem solving, and grievance mediation as an ADR method.

Dispute Mediation
This in-depth seminar informs participants about the key principles involved in mediation, how mediation differs from other forms of ADR, and how to establish a program that will meet EEOC and related guidelines. This seminar trains participants in the skills necessary to become a collateral-duty mediator. It emphasizes alternatives to MSPB, FLRA, EEOC, and arbitration procedures.

Interest-Based Problem Solving
This seminar shows how IBB principles can be used to solve a variety of non-labor-relations problems affecting employees, supervisors, managers, customers, and vendors. The seminar is designed for any federal employee or manager who wants to use IBB to solve work-related problems.

Mediation Overview
This seminar informs participants about the basic principles involved in mediation, how mediation differs from other forms of ADR, and how to establish a program that will meet EEOC and related guidelines. This seminar is not designed to train individuals in the skills necessary to become a mediator – FPMI's seminar, Dispute Mediation, is the appropriate vehicle for more extensive training in mediation.

Counseling Techniques for EEO Practitioners
This seminar is a 32-hour seminar that fully meets the prerequisites identified for EEO counselors by EEOC under Management Directive 110, as amended. The seminar has two primary objectives: 1) It gives counselors an overall view of the EEO process; and 2) It gives them detailed step-by-step guidance for handling and resolving complaints of discrimination at the informal and formal levels.

FPMI Communications offers both single-agency on-site seminars and open enrollment seminars for large and small groups. We also offer publications and consulting services in all aspects of alternative dispute resolution.

To obtain more information on FPMI Communications' training and related services, contact FPMI at 707 Fiber Street, Huntsville, AL 35801. Telephone: (256) 539-1850; FAX: (256) 539-0911; Web site:


The following training courses are offered by the Justice Center of Atlanta:

Mediation of Workplace Disputes
This is an intense three-day training course which is highly experiential using actual case demonstrations and roleplay activities to teach the particular mindset, language, and process skills unique to the mediation process. Training includes a focus on legal considerations in mediation as they pertain to issues arising from CFR Part 1614, Civil Rights Act of 1991, and ADR Act of 1996, as well as skills in communication techniques, negotiation strategies, and troubleshooting tips for mediators.

Advance Mediation Training
This is a two day training course designed for persons who have some experience mediating cases. This class focuses on enhancing the mediator's understanding and use of the mediation process. It includes a focus on advanced communication and negotiation strategies, multiparty disputes, and dealing with difficult people and complex issues.

Clinical Practicum
This is a two day training designed to provide new mediators with additional experience with the mediation process beyond the basic three-day certification class. Participants have the opportunity to be evaluated by two professional mediators in a mediation roleplay.

Conflict Management for Managers
A two day training designed for managers who want to gain additional skills at handling conflict in the workplace. Emphasis is placed on understanding the development and dynamics of conflict. The focus will be on using interest based communication techniques.

Conflict Management Seminar
This is a one day seminar addressing the origins of conflict and the dynamics of conflict within an organization. Attention is given to what blocks communication and what promotes communication, including exercises on interest based problem solving.

Courses are held at JCA's training facilities in Atlanta and all over the world at the request of the sponsoring agency. Class size ranges from 15-54 participants with a low trainer to trainee ratio. Highly individualized instruction is, therefore, provided.

For further information on training courses and fees, contact: Christine Colcord, JCA, 976 Edgewood Avenue, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30307. Telephone: (404) 523-8236 ext. 236; FAX: (404) 523-3936; Email:; Website:


Training programs offered by the Northern Virginia Mediation Service include:

Basic Mediation Skills and Process
This interactive 3-day program teaches practical and effective mediation skills applicable to many fields. The course is taken by district court mediators, lawyers, therapists, government employees and other professionals each year. Approved for Virginia mediator certification.

Conflict Resolution 101
This full-day program is for those looking for a practical, hands-on introduction to conflict resolution skills. Small business partners and managers will work more smoothly and effectively, supervisors will improve staff interaction and problem-solving and parents, teachers, administrators, etc. will have a new framework for developing constructive relationships, conserving time and energy and improving decision-making. This course will cover the underlying causes of conflict; conflict management styles; avoiding common communication mistakes; effective communication and problem-solving skills; identifying group processes for conflict prevention and resolution; ingredients for durable agreements and win-win outcomes; and advanced skills in reframing conflict and interest based negotiations.

Designing Conflict Management Systems For Organizations
In this 1-day course, managers, supervisors, ADR professionals, human resource and labor-management personnel will learn to design conflict management systems for use in corporations, government, and other workplaces.

Facilitation & Group Consensus Building
Learn and practice the techniques and skills necessary to professionally structure, facilitate and build consensus within meetings, conferences and multi-party decision making groups. Also approved for 16 of the 24 hours required for Virginia's Advanced Certificate in Civil Mediation.

Federal Mediation Role-Play
This intensive two-day course is approved to meet the general mediator certification requirement for the observation of two cases. Prior mediation knowledge or experience is required.

How To Mediate EEO And Other Employment Disputes
This course provides in-depth, hands-on-training on the special aspects of mediating public and private sector employment disputes. It includes information on discrimination, ethics, system design and intake issues. Outstanding faculty make this an exciting day.

Negotiation Skills
A 2-day program for attorneys, business people, government employees and others who must be successful when they negotiate. This is an interactive workshop of realistic exercises and simulations which will cover understanding how people make decisions in negotiation; developing skills in persuading, convincing and influencing; learning to produce agreements that people will carry out; and developing effective strategies for dealing with difficult negotiators.

For further information on training courses and fees, contact Carole Dowd, Training Coordinator, Northern Virginia Mediation Service, C/O Institute for Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University, 4260 Chain Bridge Road, Suite A-2, Fairfax, VA, 22030. Telephone: (703) 759-9720; office staff at (703) 993-3274 or 3656; FAX: (703) 993-3551; Web site:

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