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Forgot Password Help

When you forget your password, you can reset it online and begin using the advanced features of My HealtheVet immediately. Click Forgot Password? in the Member Login panel in the upper right of the page to begin.

Step 1: Personal Information

Enter your User ID, first and last name, date of birth, and then select your gender from the drop-down list. Click Next Step.

Step 2: Password Hint Questions

Answer the Password Hint Questions that you selected during Registration, and then click Next Step.

Step 3: Reset Password and Login

When your hint questions are answered correctly, you can reset your password. Since the password characters are hidden, retype your password to verify your new entry. Then click Reset Password and Log In to continue.

NOTE – When you have forgotten your password and you have a registered email address on your account, you will receive an email notification regarding changes/activity on your account.

Password Selection Guide

The following guidelines are intended to help you create a password that will be difficult for others to discover.

For security purposes, avoid using obvious passwords like your name or the name of your children or spouse, your phone number, or your birth date.

Your password is case-sensitive, i.e. when you enter it in all capital letters, it will only work when entered in all capital letters; when entered in all lower case letters, it will only work when entered in all lower case letters; and when you mix capitals and lower case letters, you must enter the password using that same mix.