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The Office of the United States Trade Representative

Biographies of USTR's Key Officials

Many of USTR’s senior officials are lawyers and economists with extensive backgrounds in trade law. The senior staff includes about 30 key officials appointed by the U.S. Trade Representative who supervise trade negotiations, monitor trade disputes, enforce laws, and keep a constant flow of communication with Congress, industry, nongovernmental organizations and the public on U.S. trade policy.


United States Trade Representative

Deputy U. S. Trade Representatives (DUSTR)

Chief of Staff

Executive Secretary

General Counsel

Special Textile Negotiator

Other Senior Officials and Assistant U. S. Trade Representatives (AUSTR)

  • Colleen Litkenhaus, AUSTR Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison
  • Jim Sanford, AUSTR Market Access and Industrial Competitiveness
  • Sean Spicer, AUSTR Public and Media Affairs