October 22, 2003
News Release 03-101
Inv. No. 731-TA-1022 (Final)


The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) today determined that a U.S. industry is materially injured by reason of imports of refined brown aluminum oxide from China that the U.S. Department of Commerce has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value.

Chairman Deanna Tanner Okun, Vice Chairman Jennifer A. Hillman, and Commissioners Marcia E. Miller, Stephen Koplan, and Charlotte R. Lane voted in the affirmative. Commissioner Daniel R. Pearson did not participate in this investigation.

As a result of the Commission's affirmative determination, the U.S. Department of Commerce will issue an antidumping duty order on imports of refined brown aluminum oxide from China.

The Commerce Department previously made an affirmative critical circumstances determination with regard to these imports. Therefore, the Commissioners who made an affirmative injury determination today are required to consider whether the imports are likely to undermine seriously the remedial effect of the antidumping duty order Commerce will issue. All five Commissioners made negative findings with regard to critical circumstances in this investigation. As a result, the antidumping duty order concerning these imports will not apply to goods that entered the United States prior to May 6, 2003, the date of the Department of Commerce's affirmative preliminary determination.

The Commission's public report Refined Brown Aluminum Oxide from China (Investigation No. 731-TA-1022 (Final), USITC Publication 3643, November 2003) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigation.

Copies may be obtained after December 1, 2003, by calling 202-205-1809 or from the Office of the Secretary, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. Requests may also be made by fax to 202- 205-2104.

Office of Industries
Washington, DC 20436


Refined Brown Aluminum Oxide from China
Investigation No. 731-TA-1022 (Final)

Product Description: The product subject to this investigation is refined brown aluminum oxide defined as ground, pulverized, or refined artificial corundum, also known as brown aluminum oxide or brown fused alumina, in grit size of 3/8 inch or less. The subject product includes brown artificial corundum in which particles with a diameter greater than 3/8 inch constitute less than 50 percent of the total weight of the batch. The merchandise is provided for in subheading 2818.10.20 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

Status of Proceedings:
1. Type of investigation: Final antidumping.
2. Petitioners:  Washington Mills Company, Inc., North Grafton, MA; C-E Minerals, King of
      Prussia, PA; and Treibacher Schleifmittel Corporation, Niagara Falls, NY.
3. Investigation instituted by USITC:  November 20, 2002.
4. USITC public hearing:  September 23, 2003.
5. USITC vote:  October 22, 2003.
6. USITC notification of Department of Commerce:  November 10, 2003.

U.S. Industry:
1. Number of U.S. firms in 2002:  Five.
2. Production during 2002 (short tons):  110,074.
3. Employment of production and related workers during 2002:  168.
4. U.S. producers' U.S. shipments during 2002 (short tons):  109,808.
5. U.S. apparent consumption during 2002:  (1)
6. Ratio of quantity of total imports to U.S. apparent consumption during 2002:  (1)

U.S. Imports:
1. Quantity of subject imports during 2002 (short tons):  57,172.
2. Value of subject imports during 2002 ($1,000):  14,664.

(1) Withheld to avoid disclosure of business proprietary information.

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