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SEE ALSO: The NIH peer review system for grant applications is federally regulated—see 42 CFR Part 52h (67KB PDF, requires free Acrobat Reader)—and is based on two sequential levels of review, referred to as the "dual review system." The first level of review is conducted by panels of expert consultants established according to scientific disciplines, current research areas, or other appropriate expertise as needed. The primary purpose of a peer review panel is to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of grant applications. The second level of review is conducted by National Advisory Boards or Councils composed of both scientific and lay representatives. At NCRR, this second level of review is performed by the National Advisory Research Resources Council. For a detailed explanation of the NIH review process, see the NIH OER: Peer-Review Policy and Issues Web page. Review Committee Rosters & Meeting DatesInformation about NCRR study sections including membership rosters, meeting dates, and meeting rosters can be found on the pages listed below. (Note: rosters are posted when available and are subject to change until the meeting date.)
Standing Committees
Special Emphasis PanelsFor more information, see the NIH Scientific Review Group (SRG) Roster Index. Contact InformationFor more information about NCRR grant application review, please contact: Office of Review To locate a specific person in the Office of Review, please consult the NCRR staff directory. Appealing Scientific Review of a Grant ApplicationIf you have specific concerns about the review of your application, you are encouraged to contact your program official as soon as possible to discuss your options and obtain advice. After such discussion, you may choose to submit a written appeal. Your appeal should be received for consideration by the NCRR at least 10 working days before the meeting at which your proposal will be reviewed. This procedure is described in NIH Guide notice 97-232, Appeals of Initial Scientific Peer Review. |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Bethesda, Maryland 20892 |
Department of Health and Human Services |