Statement of Chairman Lynn M. Bragg
Certain Steel Wire Rod (TA-201-69)
July 12, 1999

Having determined that increased imports of steel wire rod are a substantial cause of the threat of serious injury to the domestic steel wire rod industry, I am required, pursuant to section 202(e)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, to recommend action to the President that will address the threat of serious injury to the domestic industry and be most effective in facilitating the efforts of the domestic industry to make a positive adjustment to import competition.

In deciding the form and amount of relief to recommend, I took into account the factors enumerated in section 202(e)(5) of the Trade Act, including: the threat of serious injury that I found to exist; the objectives and actions specified in the adjustment plan submitted by Petitioners; information available to the Commission concerning market conditions in domestic and world markets; and likely developments affecting such conditions during the period for which action is requested. I further considered the evidentiary basis for my injury determination in this investigation, the impact relief may have on the steel wire rod market, and the administrative feasibility of implementing a given action.

For the reasons set forth in my separate views on remedy in this investigation, I have recommended the following action to the President, which I find will address the threat of serious injury to the domestic steel wire rod industry and be most effective in facilitating the efforts of the domestic industry to make a positive adjustment to import competition: