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The Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) Immunization Module

Immunizations are one of the most effective ways to protect individuals and communities from vaccine -preventable diseases. The Immunization Module of the RPMS is a tool that helps providers make clinical decisions about immunizations and follow up with patients and communities with low immunization coverage to ensure they are protected. The Immunization Program and ITSC STRONGLY recommend that sites load the Immunization Module for managing immunization information.

The Immunization Module can be used to:

  • Determine what vaccines a patient needs (forecast)
  • Track and send letters to recall patients for immunizations
  • Provide feedback to providers and administrators about immunization coverage in their patient population
  • Provide vaccine use and accountability reports
  • Enter data directly into RPMS through point-of-service data entry
  • Share immunization information with authorized agencies

Immunization data for patients is stored along with all other patient medical information in the Patient Care Component (PCC) files. Patients in the Immunization module are either Active or Inactive. Active patients are those patients who receive care at the facility, and are being followed by the facility immunization coordinator. Patients can be changed to Inactive status if they move away or receive care from another provider.

When a patient comes into the clinic, the Immunization Module allows the provider to see immediately which vaccines the patient has received and which vaccines they need. After giving an immunization, the health care provider can enter this information directly into RPMS through the Immunization Module. This results in more complete, accurate and timely data, which translates to better patient care and better protection for the community.

When a patient is due for an immunization, the Immunization Module can generate a letter to send to the patient to remind them to make an appointment. Lists of patient that are due for vaccines can also be generated and provided to Public Health Nurses or Community Health Representatives (CHR) to assist in patient outreach.

In addition, the Immunization Module can generate immunization coverage reports for both children and adults. These reports help providers identify age groups or communities with low immunization coverage so that resources can be used more effectively.

The RPMS Immunization Module is composed of a Main Menu, with three submenus - Patient Menu, Reports Menu, and Manger's Menu. Some functions require special knowledge or display confidential information. Keys to the different functions are distributed depending on your role and responsibilities with immunizations.

The User Manual [PDF-1.35MB], will guide users on the use of the Module. Information can also be obtained through the RPMS Help Desk or by e-mailing one of the clinical consultants (, or the IHS Immunization consultant (

The Immunization Package in Action

  • In 1995 there was a measles outbreak in an Alaska High School and the State decided to implement the 2 dose Measles requirement in schools in a 2 week period. Using the immunization package,, staff were able to identify 6,000 unvaccinated children , print due letters and set up clinics to vaccinate all unvaccinated children within 2 weeks.

  • In 2002 there was a recall of hepatitis A vaccine. Sites using the immunization package to track lot numbers were able to quickly identify children who received the recalled lots of vaccine and revaccinate them.

  • In the Alaska Area, they recently did a retrospective immunization audit of 900 adults in 4 regions for pneumococcal vaccine. Because of patient mobility, the charts contained only 22% of the vaccines given, the PHN card contained 34% of vaccines given, the local RPMS contained 84% of vaccines given, and the combined RPMS contained 91% of vaccines given. Use of the immunization package has insured more complete data is available in RPMS.

  • The Albuquerque Area was frustrated by the low immunization coverage being reported for their Area (76% for FY 2002). One of the strategies they employed to try and boost rates was to fully implement the immunization package at as many sites as possible, and focus on cleaning up the data in the system through the immunization package. For FY 2003, their immunization rate increased 10% to 86%, and they received a national award from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's in recognition of this outstanding improvement.

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